Project Story – Rotten Ray

Jessy and I have started a storytelling project throughout C. America. Check out our first post!


Raymond S. Wood (a.k.a. Rotten Ray) 

Most days one can find Mr. Raymond S. Wood, otherwise known as Rotten Ray, sitting outside Olmec’s Bar & Restaurant in Punta Gorda, Belize. Rotten Ray, an American expat, has lived a wandering life since the age of 14 when he ran away from home after conflict with his family over religion. Ever since, Rotten Ray has worked every kind of odd job you can think of’ (i.e., dishwasher, sailor, tug boat driver, etc.) and rode his Harley Davidson, solo, through every small town and city in the U.S. These days, Rotten Ray is content smoking his Golden Deer cigarettes and drinking Belikin beers while imparting whatever small bits of wisdom-including how to make pineapple wine- to the like-minded traveler.

Fun Fact: Rotten Ray is infamous for starring in a national Belikin beer commercial, in which he sits in a chair on the porch of his house, drinking. Rotten Ray says his compensation for the commercial was ‘a box of shitty beer.’