french and indian war

Gov. In April 1760, François Gaston de Lévis led French forces to launch an attack to retake Quebec. Britain also claimed Rupert's Land where the Hudson's Bay Company traded for furs with local Indian tribes. The French and Indian War ultimately sparked the American Revolution, and this timeline tracks the events that formed America from 1753 through 1776. In the aftermath, Montcalm and the Indians under his command disagreed about the disposition of prisoners' personal effects. [21], There were no French regular army troops stationed in America at the onset of war. Great Britain and Spain also agreed that navigation on the Mississippi River was to be open to vessels of all nations.[71]. It determined control of the vast colonial territory of North America. In early August, Montcalm and 7,000 troops besieged the fort, which capitulated with an agreement to withdraw under parole. [4] The outnumbered French particularly depended on the natives. Many Canadians deserted or surrendered their arms to British forces while the Native allies of the French sought peace and neutrality. The first phase of this war was a sheer disaster for Britain. 4. After that mission failed, the Ohio Company of Virginia, which had received a special grant of upper Ohio Valley land, was encouraged to build a fort at the convergence of the Allegheny and Monongahela rivers (modern Pittsburgh), with the understanding that troops from Virginia would support the undertaking. Ends with the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle and no clear victor. [50] The British harassed French shipping throughout 1755, seizing ships and capturing seamen. (The more-complex European phase was the Seven Years’ War [1756–63].) Loudoun was a capable administrator but a cautious field commander, and he planned one major operation for 1757: an attack on New France's capital of Quebec. [76] France attached comparatively little value to its American possessions, apart from the highly profitable sugar-producing Antilles islands which it retained. There had already been a King George's War in the 1740s during the reign of King George II, so British colonists named this conflict after their opponents, and it became known as the French and Indian War. It also emphasized the differences between … British territorial claims rested upon explorations of the North American continent by John Cabot in the latter part of the 15th century. [22] Whenever he encountered British colonial merchants or fur-traders, he informed them of the French claims on the territory and told them to leave. After constant fighting over who had control over the Ohio Valley and much … [11], Canadians conflate both the European and American conflicts into the Seven Years' War (Guerre de Sept Ans). French colonies in North America, isolated from France by British domination of the seas, were left mostly to their own meager resources to carry out the French and Indian War. William Pitt came to power and significantly increased British military resources in the colonies at a time when France was unwilling to risk large convoys to aid the limited forces that they had in New France, preferring to concentrate their forces against Prussia and its allies who were now engaged in the Seven Years' War in Europe. [80] The change of control in Florida also prompted most of its Spanish Catholic population to leave. To cut vital supplies to Louisbourg, Nova Scotia's Governor Charles Lawrence ordered the deportation of the French-speaking Acadian population from the area. New France's Governor-General Roland-Michel Barrin de La Galissonière was concerned about the incursion and expanding influence in the Ohio Country of British colonial traders such as George Croghan. Shirley's efforts to fortify Oswego were bogged down in logistical difficulties, exacerbated by his inexperience in managing large expeditions. The Quebec Act served as the constitutional document for the Province of Quebec until it was superseded by the Constitutional Act 1791. Map of British and French dominions in North America, 1755. New France refused to accommodate the terms which provoked Washington and the small number of soldiers accompanying him to attack, thus stimulating the French and Indian War in 1756. The title French and Indian War in the singular is used in the United States specifically for the warfare of 1754–63, which is mostly coincident with the Seven Years' War. [63] The British failures in North America combined with other failures in the European theater and led to Newcastle's fall from power along with the Duke of Cumberland, his principal military advisor. The third invasion was stopped with the improbable French victory in the Battle of Carillon, in which 3,600 Frenchmen defeated Abercrombie's force of 18,000 regulars, militia, and Indian allies outside the fort which the French called Carillon and the British called Ticonderoga. [11], In Europe, the French and Indian War is conflated into the Seven Years' War and not given a separate name. French irregular forces (Canadian scouts and Indians) harassed Fort William Henry throughout the first half of 1757. The French could not ignore such a provocation and descended upon Fort Necessity, besieging it on July 3. The issues of conflicting territorial claims between British and French colonies were turned over to a commission, but it reached no decision. The British formed an aggressive plan of operations for 1755. Americans were disheartened. At this time, North America east of the Mississippi River was largely claimed by either Great Britain or France. The Crown sought sources of revenue to pay it off and attempted to impose new taxes on its colonies. Between the French and British colonists, large areas were dominated by Indian tribes. The British resettled many Acadians throughout its American provinces, but many went to France and some went to New Orleans, which they expected to remain French. March 15, 1744-October 18, 1748: King George's War The warm-up to the French and Indain War between France and England, also fought for domination over North America. Newcastle replaced him in January 1756 with Lord Loudoun, with Major General James Abercrombie as his second in command. Behind this issue loomed an infinitely larger one, however: which national culture was to dominate the heart of North America. The aftermath of the siege may have contributed to the transmission of smallpox into remote Indian populations, as some Indians were reported to have traveled from beyond the Mississippi to participate in the campaign and returned afterward. He was killed and approximately 1,000 British soldiers were killed or injured. Vaudreuil saw Johnson as the larger threat and sent Dieskau to Fort St. Frédéric to meet that threat. They set back any British hopes for campaigns on Lake Ontario and endangered the Oswego garrison, already short on supplies. The war is also called "the Seven Years' War". [24], Céloron wrote an extensively detailed report. [11] This continues as the standard name for the war in the United States, although Indians fought on both sides of the conflict. Occurring from 1754 to 1763, it helped trigger – and then formed part of the Seven Years War.It has also been called the fourth French-Indian war, because of three other early struggles involving Britain, France, and Indians. He then constructed a second fort at Fort Le Boeuf in Waterford, Pennsylvania, designed to guard the headwaters of LeBoeuf Creek. [70], The war in North America officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on 10 February 1763, and war in the European theater was settled by the Treaty of Hubertusburg on 15 February 1763.

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