i love my cat so much i cry

The rescue I adopted him from calls it your “soul cat” when you find that one kitty that you bond with so strongly. I have the same experience at times, but usually only when my anxiety and depression are flaring up. Because all the cute things he does with you, like curl up on your lap or sleep in your arms, you think those are YOUR things. Bengal cats love to eat and if you really want to hear them meow, just show them their food. Symptoms and Types. Cats are natural hunters, so when they bring you these gifts they are trying to show you what they can “offer” you. 4. Some cats meow every time someone walks in the kitchen, hoping to get a bite. Sometimes I tell him I love him with many curse words in a soft voice (examples: “I love you so fucking much! By cat does this often. Won’t stop meowing for nothing! She was my nanas cat, and my nana and I were so close, I consider her the last gift my grandmother gave me. With all of that being said, I agree with u/SoybeansandTomatoes about reaching out and talking to someone since you said you’re going through a tough time. I also cry when: thinking about him living outside for the first seven weeks of his life, how much I’ll never let anything bad ever happen to him, how lucky I was to find him, and that some kitties never find their person but they’re just as deserving and magical as my boy. He’s very active and we play with him often to try and wear him out but it never seems to work. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. And I take so many photos of her so I have memories of everything she’s done. Although, I also understand having a deep love for a pet, so much love in fact that it can be overwhelming to the point that you cry. Cat's actually do this to each other too to show love but they have fur that protects their skin! You get separation anxiety. Be sure to reciprocate and offer attention on a schedule as ignoring feline overtures will get you snubbed later when you want to interact. I feel similar to OP and I’m in therapy partly for anxiety. I don't know what I did to deserve him. I’ve shown her so many pictures of him and she was so excited when we had a phone appointment and she got to hear him yelling at me and “meet” him that way it’s nice when your therapist also loves cats, even if they aren’t quite as crazy about them as you are! (88 Posts) Add message | Report. And many cats become very vocal when it gets close to their feeding times. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. I’m in therapy so I need to tell my therapist about it. He was my only son and it feels as though my whole world crumbled down I feel nothing and at time I say to myself why? How Your Vet Will Find the Problem. You may unsubscribe at any time. I do this, too. They will comfort you when you are crying. My therapist just asked if I felt better or worse petting my cat when I felt that way, and if petting him makes it worse, stop until my mind moves on lol she doesn’t think it’s quite normal, but doesn’t think it’s problematic either, other than the fact that I’m dwelling on a negative thing that I know has to happen someday instead of enjoying the present happiness my cat brings me. My cat (2yrs, male) is super restless and meows like crazy at night, especially when I’m home alone. Just cherish it! While chirps or trills may be a queen trying to get her kittens to follow or a cat trying to get their human to follow them. The Official Facebook page for Cat Lovers. Since you want everyone to adore your pet as much as you do, you find yourself making all sorts of excuses for his rude and spastic behavior. I used to sing to my kitty a special song I learned while teaching toddlers. HOW COULD YOU!”. Touches you. You will cry when you have to euthanize them. He was born on April 26, 2017, so still a very young cat. I’m sorry you’re going through a hard time. sometimes I just sit with her and cry and tell her how much she means to me and how perfect she is and she just sits there and purrs while I kiss her and it makes me sob worse. Love. For example, even before feeding ourselves we commonly feed the dog, play with the cat, or head out to the pasture to provide hay for our horses. She wanted to know why the cat was crying and what she could do to help. Don’t be surprised to see your cat jump into a bag of cat food meowing with excitement, while anticipating the arrival of their dinner. You’re my little fucking prince!”. 0 0. If medical services are unavailable to you for whatever reason, try searching for online resources or reaching out to a trusted friend to talk about what you’re feeling. ... Cats give unconditional love. I had to say goodbye. Cats are quite social with people they love and easily grow bored. Have you considered talking to a therapist or psychiatrist? I’ve tried everything in and out of the book. CHEATER! They’re so therapeutic for me, as someone with chronic depression. He’s really well-behaved, I swear! … I just start telling her how much she means to me and that I love her and will protect her with my life, then all the sudden my heart is melted and I’m having a full on breakdown because I just love my cat so fucking much. You frequently ditch them to spend time with your cat at home sitting on the couch and watching Netflix, but you don’t tell your friends and family that because they just… wouldn’t understand. Some Advice About Life For The Lost And Confused, Best Craigslist Ad Of The Week: Possibly Stole Someone’s Cat When I Was Drunk Last Night, Songwriter Jackson Gillies Shares An Average Day Living With Hidradenitis Suppurativa, 10 Reasons To Seriously Consider Adopting An Older Cat, 16 Signs You’re Secretly A Crazy Cat Lady, 5 Things You Never Realized About Owning Cats, 5 Things Owning A Cat Has Taught Me About Relationships, 23 Signs You Are In A Complicated Relationship With Your Cat. My other cat Tayler just says meh. If that means you have to eat ramen and saltines four nights in a row, so be it. Maybe your feelings are at their peak that crying comes naturally… I dont know if its normal, but if it happens to you, l guess its ok. Does he get upset when I leave him alone all day? Your cat brings you their “presents”. Is this normal? They make you laugh when they chase their tail. Sometimes I remind myself he won’t be around forever, I think to buffer the pain that I’ll have when he crosses the rainbow bridge, but at the same time it’s hard to imagine life without him and it’s overwhelming to thing about. You spend more of your measly income on the highest quality gourmet cat foods, treats, and toys than you do on the things that YOU need. Can someone please give me advice? He could easily live another 10+ years, so there’s no point making myself cry over his possible death NOW. Read the rules and the FAQ first. Don't be afraid to cry openly or talk about how much you miss your cat. In this book she talks about the unconditional love she feels for her dog, the kind of love that knows no fear or hurt, unlike loving a human. I dunno about projecting, but yes, I do this all the time. Omg I thought it was just me. Your kitty may be the most well-behaved little angel at home, but when that dreaded vet appointment arrives it’s like an episode from Animal Planet’s My Cat From Hell. I didn’t used to do this. But the sound most owners are concerned with is the long drawn out cries that seem to get louder and longer at night. When paw-pats fail, cats resort to crying to get petting and play. I think maybe its because I'm going through a tough time in my life right now, but I just love my cat so much and often when I start telling her, I'll just start crying. Would he be jealous if I pet another cat? It’s definitely changed my perspective knowing I don’t have as much time with him as I thought and makes me feel more intensely. I’ve had her since I was 10. I full on sob thinking about my cat dying because I love her more than my heart can bare. He could also die tomorrow, and it would suck if our last cuddle sessions were spent thinking about him dying instead of enjoying the love. I’m heartbroken but also I’ve lived a life with so much love in it. Having something that relies on you only is very emotionally overwhelming. I love my cat so much it hurts. This is actually a topic we discuss a lot in therapy lol She asks me about it every few sessions. I feel I have to squeeze the same amount of love into fewer possible years. Sometimes I cry to my husband about the fact that I know my cat is going to die. I feel like animals are instant forgivers. He is one of the litter which my female siamese had. Occasionally you go out with friends, go for drinks, even leave town for a few days. So much love that I can get, and receive back 10-fold. She is so special to me. He does have a … But I adopted him thinking he was 4 and later found out he’s about 8. If you have emotions that you are not processing then perhaps what Soybeans said is true, but I wouldn't think too much into it. Not a massive difference but enough to make me pause and realize I have less time with him than I thought. Mabey it's just because he's a cutie pie. Nothing but the best for your Mr. Whiskers! Cats teach us that this ain't so. Cat breeds that are naturally high energy may be prone to excess meowing. I email them updates every couple of months and thank them profusely each time for what they do because without them I wouldn’t have found my Leo. He wakes me up every morning by putting his face VERY close to mine and purring loudly, and usually it’s in this moment I want to cry from loving him so much. We love our cats. These cries do indicate som… Why does my pregnant cat keep meowing? I call my cat momma and probably am projecting some weird childhood shit on her but I also tell her all the time how much I love her and what she means to me. They are warm and will warm you up when they sleep with you. One of my friend’s cats taps her with his paw. Tail Posture. My Munchie cat will merrroowww when he gets lost, he is blind and sometimes forgets where he is I think, or else just wants some pets…cats are so cool. I know it’s not a normal way to feel. Always remember that a cat will sometimes cry when they are in pain, scared, or angry. I went from thinking I had basically a kitten to realizing I have a middle aged kitty sucked (I think he’s around 10 currently, actually). ), New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Yes this is 100% me. He was my only child and the day he passed I feel my life just stopped. By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. There are no dumb questions, except the ones asking for medical advice which is prohibited. I now shut my cat in another room at night. After 15 years of playing, laughing, cuddling, exploring safely outside, and singing her song to her, the day came I dreaded for 15 years. Yes! You’ve probably also used the excuse, “I have to go home and feed my cat” at least once or twice in order to leave a social outing early. Sometimes I worry I love my cat TOO much and want to prevent her from any negative emotion which isn’t realistic. I dont remember writing this. Its so weird. (They don't know we don't have fur and probably think we're a cat.) Just wondering if anyone else has this experience. Md Aminul Islam Emon. Pregnant cats can be quite vocal, especially in the latter stages of pregnancy. I cry on a regular basis because I look at my cat and he's just so perfect. Occasionally you go out with friends, go for drinks, even leave town for a … Its normal to cry. It's sad to know that you will experience the loss of them at some point. allsfairinlove Sat 10-Sep-16 20:57:13. The next vet, who I actually know and trust, said 7-10. My cat was a stray and the first vet I took him to told me he was 2-3. You will soon learn to interpret the different sounds that your cat makes. I also made myself cry a lot thinking about when my grandma and her dog would die years before it happened though, so maybe I really am just weird. Mine does. Lie on the couch with you. Surround Yourself With People Who Understand Cherish every moment, sing to her, play together, laugh and know that she is a reflection of you and her love for you is just as strong. Reply I don’t ever want to have another cat again…but here I am with one, having euthanized two of them. I recently came across a question in the forums from a woman who started feeding a stray cat.. She says, “I have a clearly pregnant cat following me around meowing and trying to get into my house. So when you’re seeing a picture of a cute dog or a fluffy cat or even a person you find unbelievably adorable, your brain is forced to become really aggressive and you might want to squeeze them to death. Or, perhaps we think they're selfish, but we don't mind. It is normal de to love your pet so much. Part of it is definitely like a preemptive sadness knowing that she will die one day, and idk I think I'm projecting my own family relationships onto her or something, I mean, I do call her "Little Mama.". Oh, that’s a growl?”. Dedicated to your stories and ideas. If you've ever petted a cat, you've probably encountered the “elevator butt” pose which … I love my cat so much too. Then your friends come over to hang out and five minutes later you find him purring and rubbing up against someone else’s legs, and you’re all, “TRAITOR! A colleague’s cat caresses her face. Those factors have made taking him in a lot more intense emotionally than even I was prepared for, and I’d been daily dreaming of having a cat again for over 10 years lol. If there’s anything I can say, it would be to not change a thing, your heart knows and sees the love. These are love bites. THIS. See! That was two years ago. My “take” on why we love dogs so much is from the late Caroline Knapp in her book “Pack of Two – The Intricate Bond Between People and Dogs”. Unbearably cute. LIAR! So finding and treating the underlying cause can do a lot more than give you back a good night’s sleep: It can add happy years to your cat’s life. This one is a killer. Submit your writing to be published on Thought Catalog. I miss and love my son so much, I cry at night hoping that it will help ease the hurt but it doesn't. Today is seven months since I lost my cat, and it still hurts like crazy, but the raw pain is over and now it is mostly sadness. I do the same exact thing. Love is just really overwhelming sometimes. THAT’S OUR THING! Learn more about working with Thought Catalog. He’s purring! So, although sometimes you ignore or even scratch or bite gently during your games, these are 14 unmistakable signs that your cat loves you: Does My Cat Love me / Ways Your Cat Says I Love You: 1. Please listen to this OP, this answer is spot on. Day long and night long he meows endlessly. Not for the faint of heart, when your cat brings you their kill it is actually meant as a present… even though it’s a present you won’t want to touch with your bare hands. Is he lonely? I tend to get really high then google things like, “how to tell if my cat loves me,” “does my cat love me,” “how to tell my cat I love him,” and “how to make my cat feel loved,” then sob uncontrollably because I love him so much it hurts. If … I think maybe its because I'm going through a tough time in my life right now, but I just love my cat so much and often when I start telling her, I'll just start crying. She’s 13 now and the most important thing in my life. Just that really. ... “I want to squeeze you until all your bones break because I love you so much.” ... like when you’re so happy you cry. Press J to jump to the feed. The perfect duo. Most likely, we don’t judge cats as being selfish; we relish how openly they let us in. A cry of pain is much different from the meow of a cat that wants you to stroke or play with them. Does he really love me? Intact cats, both male and female, are also very vocal during estrus and mating. But at this point it’s like I’m doing the best with what I know. “He’s not usually like this. i lost my 5yo cat last thursday, he was almost ran over and had a heart attack, no scratches, no wounds, it looked like he was sleeping… he was so soft and warm while i cried, it happened so fast, im broken without him…he was my very first cat, i adopted him when he was just a kitten, so tiny and witty, i always say he was the one who adopted me, he was grumpy with everyone but me… he loved my scratches, he … The cat is a social animal, although to a lesser extent than the dog. You should enjoy your time with your cat, I hope you find a lovely psychiatrist OP. Things will improve slowly, so for now just cry and grieve anyway you need to. Your friends and family complain that they don’t see or hear from you much anymore. 12. He is so snuggly and affectionate with me and he trusts me with everything in him. In fact just this morning. Its like my heart is fit to burst. frontpagemeews.com/category/cats/for-cat-parents/does-my-cat-know-i-love-her I would be in awe with my love for her and be so thankful that out of all the people and all the kitties, we found each other. I’ve lost a cat before that I was super close to, just like the one I cry about now. 7 talking about this. It is a matter of observing them carefully. It’s kinda nice to let it out though, and at least I can cry out of happiness for once :,), Going through a tough time myself and I love my orange Lenny so fucking much. Just the sight of food can drive them bonkers. Why did this have to happen and I get no answers. My cat “Snickers” is 14 years old and lately he has been loudly meowing, its almost as if hes yelling or asking for something. I love everything they do! So yes, I feel the same way but I’m going to talk to my therapist about it because I’m not sure it’s normal. I feel similar. The generic meow can mean almost anything. Even reaching out to a primary care doctor could be useful. 1 talking about this. What’s he thinking right now? You’re cool, relaxed, having a good time, but deep down you’re like WHAT’S HE DOING RIGHT NOW WHAT’S HE DOING IS HE OKAY I WISH HE COULD TEXT ME. Learn about us. Is he judging me for dancing around the house in my underwear? Though grief can't be shared and is something that an individual goes through alone, there are luckily a few things you can do to help you carry that burden. I regularly google “why is my cat so perfect” lol, Dude I do this too. Im 13 and my parents wont care to bring my cat to the vet, so I need to try and fox the problem myself. He’ll always be super special, not just because all pets are, but because he’s my first cat as an adult and my husband’s first cat ever and he’s literally perfect (except for the fact that he loves my husband a ridiculous amount more than he loves me). Chattering is that cackling sound that cats make while watching birds or other animals at the window. Because of my previous loss which still makes me sad (I still cry sometimes nearly ten years later), I know how much it hurts to lose a beloved friend/pet and I think this really impacts my emotions towards my cat now. All in all, after all my rambling, I think you are okay, but it never hurts to talk through tough times and emotions with a friend, family member or professional. I’m sending out this SOS because I´m going quite desperate with my siamese cat. This answer! Your little face is so fucking precious! Growling and hissing are sounds that tend to speak for themselves and warn us not to touch them. Oriental cat breeds, like the Siamese, may be more prone to excessive vocalization. Be kind to yourself and don't expect to feel much better soon. Its like my heart is fit to burst. He just needs to get to know you better. I definitely have teared up thinking about how much I love my cats. Different cats have different personalities and different vocalizations. I love my cat but I’m so sad the whole time because I’m worried she’s going to die one day. This silly little floofball has utterly stolen my heart...(to the extent that DP sometimes looks at me with an expression of amusement and ) If You LOVE Your CAT like we do Shout it Loud! Night vocalizations in senior age cats; Vocalization during breeding and estrus in cats It’s normal to love your kitty, but you shouldn’t be mourning a cat that’s still alive. Good luck to you, and I am glad you have a sweet friend/pet that can help you through these times (and all times! 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