otto von habsburg

They were fourth cousins as both were descendants of Karl Ludwig, Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg and his wife Countess Amalie Henriette of Solms-Baruth. Otto's cousins Max, Duke of Hohenberg, and Prince Ernst of Hohenberg were arrested in Vienna by the Gestapo and sent to Dachau concentration camp where they remained throughout Nazi rule. Après deux vaines tentatives du roi Charles pour reprendre son trône, en mars et octobre 1921, la Hongrie, bien que se déclarant une monarchie, destitue les Habsbourg le 6 novembre 1921. Otto was exiled in 1919 and grew up mostly in Spain. Republik war der Kaisersohn durch und durch integer und er sagte auch was Sache ist. Otto von Habsburg, who has died aged 98, bore the oldest and most eminent dynastic name in European history and could, according to genealogists, … Für die CSU war er Mitglied des Europäischen Parlaments. Hoheit Erzherzog Dr. Otto von Habsburg Trouvez les Otto Von Habsburg Presents Book images et les photos d’actualités parfaites sur Getty Images. He strongly opposed the Anschluss, and in 1938 requested Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg to resist Nazi Germany. Membre de la Ligue anti-communiste mondiale, il fait partie du comité de parrainage du Cercle renaissance, une organisation similaire française[14]. ("Special Search List Great Britain"), was the unofficial head of numerous resistance groups in Central Europe. Instead, Miklós Horthy ruled as regent until 1944, in a kingdom without a king. Otto spoke German, Hungarian, Croatian, English, Spanish, French and Latin fluently. In 1941, Hitler personally revoked the citizenship of Otto, his mother and his siblings, and the imperial-royal family found themselves stateless. 2 talking about this. Im Gegensatz zu den heutigen Vertretern der II. Son épouse meurt le 3 février 2010, après 58 ans de mariage. However, in 1919, after the end of the First World War, the monarchies were abolished, the republics of Austria and Hungary were founded in their place, and the family was forced into exile in Madeira. Il est membre de la Société du Mont Pèlerin et participe à l'écriture d'un livre en hommage à l'économiste de l'école autrichienne d'économie, Ludwig von Mises[18]. Murauer advised Darabos "to avoid populist pot-shots against an honourable European of the highest calibre". This touched off political infighting and civil unrest that almost precipitated a crisis of state, and later became known as the "Habsburg Crisis". [61], On the 2008 anniversary of the Anschluss,[62][63][64][65][66] Otto von Habsburg made a statement as part of his "1938 Remembrance Day" address before Parliament that "there is no country in Europe that has a better claim to be a victim of the Nazis than Austria". They demanded that I abstain from politics. Lebensjahr vollendet. [24] According to Gerald Warner, "Austrian Jews were among the strongest supporters of a Habsburg restoration, since they believed the dynasty would give the nation sufficient resolve to stand up to the Third Reich". nécessaire]. Timothy Snyder "The Red Prince: The Secret Lives of a Habsburg Archduke" (2008); James Longo "Hitler and the Habsburgs: The Fuhrer's Vendetta Against the Austrian Royals" (2018); Bob Carruthers "Hitler's Violent Youth: How Trench Warfare and Street Fighting Moulded Hitler" (2015); Pieter M. Judson "The Habsburg Empire. Meine Damen und Herren, ich glaube es gibt keinen Staat in Europa, der mehr Recht hat, sich als Opfer zu bezeichnen, als es Österreich gewesen ist.“, Süddeutsche Zeitung, 12 March 2008 (German). Otón de Habsburgo-Lorena (en alemán, Otto von Habsburg-Lothringen; Villa Wartholz, Reichenau an der Rax, Baja Austria, 20 de noviembre de 1912 - Pöcking, Baviera, Alemania, 4 de julio de 2011) 1 fue el hijo mayor de Carlos I de Austria y IV de Hungría, último emperador de Austria y rey de Hungría, y de su esposa la princesa Zita de Parma. Le 3 avril, il assiste dans l'église du roi Matthias à Budapest à une messe de requiem célébrée par le cardinal-primat de Hongrie, à la mémoire de sa mère, l'impératrice Zita. Hansjakob Stehle "Die Spione aus dem Pfarrhaus (German: The spy from the rectory)" In: Die Zeit, 5 January 1996. Après le décès de son père, l'archiduc Otto vit dans différents pays : l'Espagne (invité par le roi Alphonse XIII à s'installer dans la commune de Lekeitio dans le Pays basque), la France, la Belgique en 1929 où, après des études secondaires à l'abbaye bénédictine de Clervaux, il fréquente l'université catholique de Louvain et y obtient en 1935 un doctorat en sciences politiques et sociales, le Canada (au Québec) en 1940, les États-Unis (New York)[10]. This should also revive the centuries-old Habsburg principles of "live and let live" with regard to ethnic groups, peoples, minorities, religions, cultures and languages. [69] Social Democratic Party Defence Minister Norbert Darabos was quoted as saying that the remarks were "unacceptable", "a veritable democratic-political scandal" and that he had "insulted the victims of National Socialism". He resigned as Sovereign of the Golden Fleece in 2000 and … Medal of the Academia da Cultura Portuguesa, This page was last edited on 27 March 2021, at 06:02. In 1988, Pope John Paul II had just begun a speech to the Parliament when Paisley, a vehement anti-Catholic, shouted that the Pope was the Antichrist, and held up a poster reading "Pope John Paul II Antichrist". Il porte d'ailleurs le titre de duc de Bar[22]. Jg. [44] In a 2007 interview on the occasion of his approaching 95th birthday, Otto stated:[45]. [19] The family eventually relocated to the Basque town of Lekeitio, where forty Spanish grandees bought them a villa. He became a citizen of the Republic of Croatia in 1990, with the official name: Otto von Habsburg became a citizen of the Federal Republic of Germany in 1978, and was allowed the official name: German politician and last crown prince of Austria-Hungary. [53] He served from 1979 until 1999 as a Member of the European Parliament for the conservative Christian Social Union of Bavaria (CSU) party, eventually becoming the senior member of the European Parliament. In later life, he would write some forty books in German, Hungarian, French and Spanish. See below for more references. [4] This event is considered a milestone in the collapse of Communist dictatorships in Europe. Later, he visited Vienna on 5 July 1967. His thesis was on "the right, born of usage and of the peasant law of inheritance, of the indivisibility of rural land ownership in Austria". Heinz Arnberger, Winfried R. Garscha, Rudolf G. Ardelt, Christa Mitterrutzner, Omeidl "Rudolf Hess, der Stellvertreter des Führers, hatte den deutschen Invasionstruppen für das neutrale Belgien den Befehl erteilt, Otto von Habsburg und seine Brüder, falls sie gefasst würden, ohne jedes weitere Verfahren sofort zu erschießen.". As he did not possess a passport and was effectively stateless, he was given a passport of the Principality of Monaco, thanks to the intervention of Charles de Gaulle in 1946. This was such an infamy, I'd rather never have signed it. Elisabeth Boeckl-Klamper, Thomas Mang, Wolfgang Neugebauer: Peter Broucek "Die österreichische Identität im Widerstand 1938–1945" (2008), p 163. However, he successfully convinced the U.S. to halt or limit the bombardment of Austrian cities, especially the capital, Vienna,[28] which were consequently delayed by high-ranking commanding personnel; bombardments on Vienna began later in the war, during 1943. Among them was Karl Burian, who was planning to blow up the Gestapo headquarters in Vienna, or Dr. Heinrich Maier, who very successfully passed on plans and production facilities for V-2 rockets, Tiger tanks or airplanes (Messerschmitt Bf 109, Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet, etc.) They shook off their resignation when they realized that the revolution had raped their right to life and freedom. [4][9] On 5 July, his body was laid in repose in the Church of St. Ulrich near his home in Pöcking, Bavaria, and a massive 13-day period of mourning started in several countries formerly part of Austria-Hungary. Otto von Habsburg Vermögen wird auf rund 100 Millionen Euro geschätzt. [33] Many of these imperial resistance fighters (- according to current estimates approx. Il était président du Comité international pour le français langue européenne[4], du Mouvement pan-européen[5] (1973–2004) et député au Parlement européen (1979 – 1999). Otto von Habsburg (given names: Franz Joseph Otto Robert Maria Anton Karl Max Heinrich Sixtus Xaver Felix Renatus Ludwig Gaetan Pius Ignatius; 20 November 1912 – 4 July 2011), was the last crown prince of Austria-Hungary from 1916 until the dissolution of the empire in April 1919. Le 9 juillet 2011, une messe de requiem, célébrée en l'église des Cordeliers de Nancy par les prêtres de l'Oratoire Saint-Philippe Néri, a rassemblé 350 personnes. He was known in the Republic of Austria as Dr. Otto Habsburg-Lothringen, since the Republic does not officially recognise titles of nobility. S. K.u.k. His funeral took place at St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna on 16 July 2011; he was entombed in the Imperial Crypt in Vienna and his heart buried in Pannonhalma Archabbey in Hungary. Début 1989, il récupère la nationalité hongroise ; il est reçu à Budapest qui vient de remettre en place la statue de l'impératrice Élisabeth. 4000 – 4500 Habsburg resistance fighters) were sent directly to the concentration camp without trial. Kurier, Wien, 8 July 2011 (German) gebe "keinen Staat in Europa, der mehr Recht hat, sich als Opfer zu bezeichnen, als es Österreich gewesen ist". It was not returned after the war. [25], Following the German annexation of Austria, Otto was sentenced to death by the Nazi regime; Rudolf Hess ordered that Otto was to be executed immediately if caught. Par la loi d'exil dite « Loi de Habsbourg » (Habsburgergesetz du 3 avril 1919), le Parlement autrichien bannit officiellement les Habsbourg-Lorraine et récupère leurs propriétés. During his wartime exile in the United States, Otto and his younger brothers were in direct contact with President Franklin D. Roosevelt and the federal government. En 1918, avec la défaite de l'empire austro-hongrois, Charles Ier renonce à toute forme de participation au gouvernement sans abdiquer formellement face aux troubles populaires et révolutionnaires[7]. On his father's deathbed, his mother, Empress Dowager Zita, told Otto, "your father is now sleeping the eternal sleep—you are now Emperor and King". Les trois monarchies sont abolies : l'Autriche, la Hongrie et la Bohême[8] sont proclamées républiques et la famille impériale doit s'exiler. Trouvez les Otto Von Habsburg images et les photos d’actualités parfaites sur Getty Images. [46] It was only on 1 June 1966, after the People's Party won an outright majority in the national election, that Otto was issued an Austrian passport, and was finally able to visit his home country again on 31 October 1966 for the first time in 48 years. "Otto von Habsburg am 31. Otto von Habsburg (20. listopadu 1912 vila Wartholz u Reichenau an der Rax, Dolní Rakousko – 4. července 2011 Pöcking) byl nejstarším synem císaře Karla I. a do zániku monarchie byl korunním princem v zemích rakousko-uherské monarchie.Roku 1961 se vzdal veškerých nároků na rakouský císařský trůn pro svou osobu. His spokeswoman reported that he died "peacefully and without pain in his sleep". He was baptised Franz Joseph Otto Robert Maria Anton Karl Max Heinrich Sixtus Xavier Felix Renatus Ludwig Gaetan Pius Ignatius on 25 November 1912 at Villa Wartholz by the Prince-Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Franz Xaver Nagl. [43] Otto had already submitted a written statement, on 21 February 1958, that he and his family would renounce all privileges to which a member of the House of Habsburg was formerly entitled, but this first declaration did not satisfy the requirements of the Habsburg Law, which stated that Otto and other descendants of Charles could only return to Austria if they renounced all royal claims and accepted the status of private citizens. [20][29], After the German invasion of France in 1940, the family left the French capital and fled to Portugal with a visa issued by Aristides de Sousa Mendes, the Portuguese consul in Bordeaux. Six messes de requiem se succèdent en mémoire de l'archiduc : Otto de Habsbourg demeure très attaché à la Lorraine, sentimentalement et symboliquement. [31] For his own safety, Otto left the European continent for the United States and lived from 1940 to 1944 in Washington, D.C. At the end of the war, Otto returned to Europe and lived for several years in France and Spain. During his life in exile, he lived in Switzerland, Madeira, Spain, Belgium, France, the United States, and from 1954 until his death, finally in Bavaria (Germany), in the residence Villa Austria. [67] Although his speech received an ovation,[68] this received public protest, media criticism and disapproval voiced by Austrian politicians. Meanwhile, the Austrian parliament had officially expelled the Habsburg dynasty and confiscated all the official property via the Habsburg Law of 3 April 1919. He remained the Crown Prince of Hungary until 1921. Bürgerlicher Name: Otto von Habsburg Ehepartnerin: Regina von … Murauer also recalled that Engelbert Dollfuß had been the only head of government in Europe to have been murdered by the Nazis. At the time of his death, he was a citizen of Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Croatia[citation needed], having earlier been stateless de jure and de facto, and possessed passports of the Order of Malta and Spain. Partisan de l'unité européenne, il est député au Parlement européen de 1979 à 1999, représentant du Land allemand de Bavière au sein de la formation conservatrice CSU. [73] Otto's coffin was draped with the Habsburg flag decorated with the imperial–royal coats of arms of Austria and Hungary in addition to the Habsburg family coat of arms. Doyen d'âge, il préside par deux fois la séance inaugurale du Parlement européen. De cette union, sept enfants (dont des jumelles) sont issus : du degré 0, tous les frères et sœurs de qui c'est la liste d'ascendance (dits de la 1re génération ascendante : chacun no 1) : les 2 ancêtres du degré 1, parents ou père et mère (2e génération ascendante : no 2 et 3) : les 4 ancêtres du degré 2 ; grands-parents ou aïeuls (3e génération ascendante : no 4 à 7) : les 8 ancêtres du degré 3, arrière-grands-parents ou bisaïeuls (4e génération ascendante : no 8 à 15) : les 16 ancêtres du degré 4, arrière-arrière-grands-parents ou trisaïeuls (5e génération ascendante : no 16 à 31) : sur les 32 ancêtres du degré 5, quadrisaïeuls (6e génération ascendante : no 32 à 63) : sur les 64 ancêtres du degré 6 (7e génération ascendante : no 64 à 127) : sur les 128 ancêtres du degré 7 (8e génération ascendante : no 128 à 255) : sur les 256 ancêtres du degré 8 (9e génération ascendante : no 256 à 511) : Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Habsburg Ottó (Reichenau an der Rax, 1912. november 20. Descendant et héritier des ducs de Lorraine et de Bar, il portait le titre de courtoisie de duc de Bar. Otto de Habsbourg-Lorraine meurt dans sa 99e année, le 4 juillet 2011, à son domicile de Pöcking en Bavière. - Pöcking, 4. srpnja 2011. Americans understand viscerally for the first time the risks they face. [54] He was a major supporter of the expansion of the European Union from the beginning and especially of the acceptance of Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia. Des commémorations, s'étalant sur 13 jours, sont organisées dans plusieurs pays qui faisaient partie de l'ancien empire d'Autriche-Hongrie[20]. He was also a member of the Mont Pelerin Society. Otto von Habsburg’s dream was nothing less than a rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire, which he undoubtedly believed would be the greatest of all possible blessings to the world. ), austrijski nadvojvoda i čelnik kuće Habsburg.Bivši je prijestolonasljednik Austrije, Češke, Hrvatske (1916.-1918.) July 2011, Gedenkdienst Archive Zur Geschichte der „Habsburger-Gesetze“, Salzburger Nachrichten 1 June 1963 (German), A Life for Europe: Republican Recognition in Black and Yellow. Their Golden jubilee in 2001 Austrian administrative court found on 24 May that... Risks they face Vereine – Wien, W. Hamburger 1937 snatched Paisley 's banner and along. Pan-European Picnic regent until 1944, in 2002, he would write some forty books German! Sovereign of the Franz Werfel Human Rights Award to death by the Nazis Charles. Vie, ses actes et sa philosophie Great Britain '' ), reintroduced... Euro geschätzt arrive soon Amalie Henriette of Solms-Baruth grandchildren and two great-grandchildren: [ 45.! And his wife were then issued a Spanish diplomatic passport. [ 41 ] have! Murauer advised Darabos `` to avoid otto von habsburg pot-shots against an honourable European of the leaders of the of... La famille impériale se réfugie à Madère, où le jeune empereur et roi meurt prématurément d actualités! Des Autrichiens à leur passé pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Otto vit en exil entre la Bavière, France! Commémorations, s'étalant sur 13 jours, sont organisées dans plusieurs Pays qui faisaient partie de empire... Sur 13 jours, sont organisées dans plusieurs Pays qui faisaient partie de l'ancien d'Autriche-Hongrie. The imperial-royal family found themselves stateless des Autrichiens à leur passé pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, Otto vit exil. Von Habsburg-Lothringen met Regina prinses van Saksen-Meiningen ( 1925-2010 ) on Monday, 4 July 2011, at his in. S ’ appellent Otto von Habsburg, who was also a member of the Imperial House in 2007 Pays! 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