if i knew poem by maud wyman questions and answers

Express your views on this. So many conditions have to be fulfilled if one is become perfect man. IF I KNEW He can walk with kings but shouldn’t lose the common touch. A Man I Knew Margaret Levine has a condo a maid who comes every other week kids who won't are on the dresser they float forever like a boat' and find homework help for other Poetry questions at eNotes The butcher gave the mouse some meat; the mouse gave the farmer the meat. Question 10. "Please forgive me," "Thank you," or "It's okay! But he is very humble and he never shows off to others. (Consider the speaker, theme, symbols, comparisons, contrasts and conflicts.) ‘If clauses are called conditional clauses. Throughout the poem Yeats referred to the people but does not name them. Explanation of the Poem Easter 1916 (Probable) (If clause Present tense, Main Clause Future) b) If you called, I would come. If I Knew. We make these conditions by changing the tenses in the clauses. Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer. DEBUT. A doctor who examined Keller, however, thought that her intelligence could be developed. Answer: You can talk with the .crowds, but you should not become one of.them and lose your virtue. and pray the Lord, your soul to keep. Answer: Standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., on August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered what is regarded today as one of the greatest speeches in American history. The mouse promised not to steal, and so the baker gave the mouse a loaf of bread; the mouse gave the butcher the bread. No country should be ruled by other countries. Settings If the butcher ________________ (refuse) her any meat, the farmer ________________ (not be) willing to give the mouse the hay. Follow us on your favorite social networks for news and inspiration! I'm sorry," And the farmer will only give me some hay if the butcher ______________ (have) some meat for him. He is chiefly known for his stories and poems about the British soldiers in India. It is a didactic poem telling us what to do and what not to do to enjoy life and to be a perfect man. When 19 months old, Helen was stricken with an acute illness that left her deaf and blind. Answer: Pick out other expressions where the poet uses personification. What, according to the poet, should be one’s attitude to unexpected loss? and call you back for one more. We can think — but thinking is not ouraim. His father is a magistrate and his mother is a lecturer in a college. For if tomorrow never comes, Arun is now Assistant Secretary and Director-General of the United States and Foreign Commercial Service, International Trade Administration, in the Department of Commerce. a) Triumph and disaster treated as impostors. summary of poem if i knew by maud wyman - Brainly.in. Answer: Successful people exercise patience. And the butcher will not give me some meat if you ______________ (bake/ not) him a loaf of bread.’, And the baker said, ‘Well, I ______________ (give) you a loaf of bread if you promise never to steal my corn or meal.’. You may say truths but dishonest people may twist them and use them to trap fools. Success comes from self-control and a true sense of the value of things. But start again without telling anybody about your loss. This booklet is for KS3 students or their parents or carers to check their answers from the Poetry Self-study Workbook 1. Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) is an English short-story writer, poet, and novelist. He is very sociable. c) If you had called would have come (Impossible) If Clause – Past Perfect, Main clause Conditional Perfect. “If” is the most famous poem of Kipling. Tell them how much you love them What is the poem about? Through her essays and articles in major magazines and newspapers, Keller explained the problems encountered by people who are deaf and blind and the responsibilities of society. Make a presentation based on the common factors in the speeches. if i knew the box were the smiles are kept no matter how large the key or strong the bolt i would try so hard twould ope i know for me then over the land and sea i'd cast the smiles to romp and play that the children's faces might hold them fast for many and many a day if i knew the box that was large enough to hold all the frowns i meet Essays have traditionally been sub-classified as formal and informal. In the first stanza it is aaaa, bcbc. Sample Dismissal Letters | Format, Sample, Example and How To Write Sample Dismissal Letter? you get to hold your loved one tight. Question 4. He is cultured in his behaviour. Question 10. I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight; ‘and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together.’. → Let us take one example: a) If you call, I will come. C. Read the poem and find the lines for the following poetic devices or write your own example. ‘The cat ______________ (give/ only) my tail back if I fetch her some milk. Keller graduated from Radcliffe College in 1904 and authored a number of books about her experiences. If you happen to have a loss, don’t tell anyone. that I see you walk out the door, Answer: I feel that the poet is a strong-willed person. Desktop computers are cheaper and more reliable than laptops; …………………, they last longer. Exclusive coupons, project ideas & free classes. In the 1880s people who were both deaf and blind were classified in law as idiots. She received many honors. Do you think he is serious in his claim that he can't blame Maud for being who she is, or do you think his questions conceal a giant Blame Monster? The message of the poem is to be happy and successful in life. What if you knew you'd be the last to touch someone? When the poet says, ‘If you can dream – and not make dreams your master, he is personifying dreams, i.e. He is very humorous and he has the knack of telling very amusing stories. He also wrote stories for children. Question 9. People may hate you but don’t hate them. It attracted nationwide attention. The poem is in rhyme although the rhyming scheme is different in various stanzas. Chitra is a nightingale. Stanza 3 : Collect all your winnings and risk them on one turn of the dice. A liar is not respected in the society. Arun did his three-year undergraduate course in Physics in the University College. Triumphs and Tragedies are part of life. Sample Referral Letters | Examples, Template, Format and How To Write Sample Referral Letters? So we must love humanity. Two years later she was reading and writing fluently using the Braille system. Answer the following questions briefly. Our aim is to act and achieve. If only i knew the love and strength and support you've always given me were about to end i would've run to your side and thanked you for the million times you've made a difference in my life. List out the special qualities you have noticed in one of your classmates: Answer: Brilliant, cheerful, sociable, hardworking, well read, sensitive, generous, sociable, humble, cultured, has initiative, humorous, optimistic My friend John is liked by all the students in the class. But imagine what would have happened otherwise: If the mouse had not promised (promise/ not) never to steal the corn or meal, the baker would not have given (not/give) the mouse the bread. If I were a man, a young man, and knew what I know today. 4480 views 1 answers 0 votes. Question 11. (whereas, furthermore, alternatively) 5. Last updated by Aslan 16 days ago 2/16/2021 1:36 PM. What other symbols are used in the poem ‘If’? I want to focus on the theme of enchantment and fantasy in A.L. I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. 9 Sample Request Letters | Template, Format, How To Write Sample Request Letters? You should forgive people who have offended you. dreams are spoken of as masters who can control our lives. I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.’. Why? This pledge should not be limited to words. People may hate him but he should not hate them. 1. Answer: It is good to dream but we should not let dreams become our master. If you can do all the above things the Earth and everything in it is yours and you will then be a man. It was a very bright class, with some of the students brilliant without any self-consciousness of their brilliance. Wait and don’t be tired of waiting. Continue doing your work even when others have abandoned theirs. Neither your friends nor your enemies should be able to hurt you. to make up for an oversight, Question 14. so I can let just this one slip away. and that you'll always hold them dear So hold your loved ones close today, His general knowledge is great. Question 13. 5 Sample Reservation Letters | Format, Examples and How To Write Sample Reservation Letters? He is, in a sense, the poet of mixed feelings. If I knew it would be the last time that I see you walk out the door, I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more. Well-read in many subjects, keen in understanding, quick, sensitive, and cultured beyond his years in his responses, it was a privilege and a pleasure to have him in my class, and sometimes, to discuss things with him outside the class. And certainly there's another chance Abhimanyu43. and pray the Lord, your soul to keep. I would think of each woman as some one's mother; Answer: According to the poem the two impostors of life are Triumph and Disaster. In the poem ‘If we find so many ‘If clauses. John comes from a wealthy family. Metaphor: A metaphor is a figure of speech in which one thing or person is spoken as another. • Yours is the earth and everything that is in it. And the cow will only give me some milk if she ______________ (get) some hay. (Improbable) If clause Past, Main Clause Conditional). At first this seemed impossible, but Sullivan discovered that Keller could learn sounds by placing her fingers on her teacher’s larynx and sensing the vibrations. Answer: I fully agree with the poet’s views on these aspects. Even when you walk with kings, you should not lose sight of the ordinary people. 1909-14. There are fine contrasts in ‘triumph and disaster’, ‘kings and common people’ and ‘friends and foes’. Then you get ready to build them up using old tools. He is speaking to his son about the qualities that are needed to become a successful man, a perfect man. In case of a need, he should be even ready to sacrifice his life for this motherland. One is patriotism. When Keller was tert, she begged to relearn how to speak. The doubts and misgivings in the poem are characteristically Yeatism. Philanthropist Andrew Carnegie gave her an annual income, writers Mark Twain and Robert Louis Stevenson sang her praises, and nearly every U.S. president of her time invited her to the White House. Q5_ Make a comparison between Simile and Metaphor , with examples. I really need help regarding the poem " Questions(author: unknown)". Here is an excerpt from his speech: “I Have a Dream”. When a man pulls his wheeled suitcase too slowly through the airport, when the car in front of me doesn't signal, So if you're waiting for tomorrow, I would be there to share your day, and today is all I get, to say "I love you," If somebody is bad, we don’t have to become bad and follow his ways. There is a stiff competition between mobile phone companies to win customers …………………, they are slashing prices to attract customers, (as a result, in contrast, in conclusion) Answer: 1. Explain. I would video tape each action and word, ‘Give me back my tail,’ said the mouse. Based on the responses you have got, prepare an appreciation of the poem ‘If ’ (Consider theme, language, style, figures, symbols, relevance) Answer: The poem ‘If is written by Rudyard Kipling. Accept it with fortitude. 1. Trust yourself when all people doubt you, but give allowance for their doubting. Extensive new re- When people tell him lies, he should not follow their example. He is brilliant and he always gets the top marks and the teacher is never tired of praising him. Answer: Yes, I agree. Otherwise 2. Do you agree? You may lose the entire thing. Here a father is advising his son: Stanza 1 : Maintain your coolness when people around you have lost it and blame you for the situation. As a result. But that’s impossible for a little mouse like you.’, The mouse, however, went to a butcher. The final stanza of the poem, ‘Answer’ by Carol Ann Duffy is the gist of what the poet said in above stanza. and call you back for one more. He should dream, but should not make dreams his master. When people tell you lies, don’t follow their example. What does the poet say about patience? Question 17. It soon became a very popular qnthem. Answer: The central theme of the poem is the qualities of greatness or the traits of a perfect man. A rare honour, indeed, and well-deserved recognition of merit. Topics: Poem If. The Question and Answer sections of our study guides are a great resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss literature. It is a little bit difficult for me and I could really use some help. If you can do all these things you can enjoy on this earth as if you are its master. "Maud" (1855) The poem was inspired by Charlotte Rosa Baring, younger daughter of William Baring (1779–1820) and Frances Poulett-Thomson (d. 1877). If I worked with confidence I would succeed. All the assignments should be submitted on time, …………………, they wilt not be evaluated. If you can deal with dishonest people twisting your words up and foolish people believing them. If I knew it would be the last time. If I knew it would be the last time Maud. If you can bear to hear the truth, …” If you can make one heap of all your winnings, … If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew,… If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, …. If you can fill the unforgiving minute. Q.No.1. For surely there's always tomorrow The poem talks of conditional fulfilment. And the cat gave the mouse her tail back. It has fine imagery, The mood is one of joy and optimism. He is well-read and hardworking. But that’s impossible for a little mouse like you.’, The mouse, however, went to a farmer. the last time Example: K.S. We all know that we may have different colors. Tamilnadu Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Solutions Term 1 Poem Chapter 1 The … All men should be able to count on your help. He should not tell others about his losses. In her desire to help people like her, Keller also began to travel and lecture throughout the world, enlisting the aid of many famous people she met. Symbol : A symbol is an object that represents an idea, image or an action. She succeeded in that. If the mouse ______________ (not/ receive) the milk from the cow, she ______________ (not/ get) back her tail. In this case, dreams assume a human role/qualjfy. Answer: It is a lyrical poem with four stanzas consisting of four octaves (a group of eight lines). If you but knew How all my days seemed filled with dreams of you, How sometimes in the silent night Your eyes thrill through me with their tender light, How oft I hear your voice when others speak, How you 'mid other forms I seek-- Oh, love more real than though such dreams were true If you but knew. He always greets them when he meets them. → Here is the formula: If – present, Main Clause Future (Probable) If – past, MC Conditional (Improbable) If- past perfect, MC Conditional Perfect (Impossible) Now Look at the examples given in the Text on p. 33. Question 22. You should be beyond getting hurt by your enemies or friends. And if tomorrow never comes, He does not want people’s sympathies. B. And the farmer ______________ (only/ give) me some hay if I get him some meat.’ And the butcher said, ‘Well, I would give you some meat if you ______________ (make) the baker bake me a loaf of bread. He is chiefly known for his stories and poems about the British soldiers in India. The poet believes that success comes from self control and a true sense of the value of things. It attracted nation-wide attention. The Harvard Classics Author: Dawn Marie Huddleston http://www.dawnmariehuddleston.com/. The poem IF suggest the idea of conditional fulfillment. Confined to my academic pursuits, I know little about the wider world of Arun’s enterprises. Explain the poet’s views on honesty and fortitude of character. Answer: The first type is called Probable or Likely or Open condition. “Everybody Knew” Ledgers of History: Questions and Answers Sally Wolff For William B. Dillingham, Mentor and Friend W illiam Faulkner spent far more time visiting his friends in Holly Springs, Mississippi, including Edgar Francisco, Jr., at his home, McCarroll Place, than previously has been realized. He is always cheerful and has a smiling face. Neither his friends nor his enemies should be able to hurt him. Walk with kings but don’t lose the common touch. Even when the results of his hard work are destroyed, he should get ready to build them. Furthermore 5. He should keep talking with the crowds but maintain his virtue. If certain conditions, as specified in the poem, are fulfilled, one can be a perfect man, enjoying his life. He has fortitude and courage to suffer his adversities without sharing them with others. But that’s impossible for a little mouse like you.’, The mouse, however, went to a baker. How is the journey from youth to old age described in the poem? Well I'm sure you'll have so many more, Don’t be overjoyed at the successes and don’t be dejected at the failures. (the fantasy of being young and dreams and desires vs. the reality you face when you grow up) Does anyone know of other victorian poetry with these themes in it?? Personification : Speaking of things and animals as if they are persons with human traits and qualities. I could spare an extra minute Answer: Here is the list of ‘If Clauses in the poem: If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, …. Sullivan taught Keller to read Braille and to “listen” by feeling a speaker’s face. Question 21. In a short time, she forgot the few words she knew and became silent. In deeds, we must show that we are true to our words. I am doing a short research paper on Aurora Leigh by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Four years later she graduated with honors to worldwide acclaim and decided to devote her life to helping blind and deaf people. Letter Writing | Letter Writing Types, How To Write?, Letter Writing Tips, Sample Goodbye Letters | Example, Sample and How To Write Sample Goodbye Letter, 5 Sample Holiday Letters | How To Write? If you had gone there, you could have met him. The language used is simple. She made use of signs to get what she wanted, but when her parents or the family servants did not understand her, her frustration found an outlet in screaming and tantrums. If I knew it would be ! Deaf and blind from the age of 19 months, Keller learned to communicate with the help of her teacher, Anne Sullivan. to make everything just right. Lines 5-7 speak about the need for righteous behavior in the face of unrighteousness. Asked by Ali T #1107293. (English Book back answers and solution for questions) I would tuck you in more tightly This is the point at which the poem reverts back to being a poem of remembrance, saying that the men will be remembered by the Irish nation for as long as its colours are worn. Answer: According to the poem the … The second type is called Improbable or Unlikely or Imaginary condition. Write your favourite stanza from the poem and find the rhyming scheme. What, according to the poem, are the two impostors of life? Another factor that is common among the speeches of these great men is a fraternity and universal brotherhood. (1987), acted opposite Billy Drago in Ronny Yu's drama "Gwang b) Will which says ‘Hold on’. I thought that she'd always be around, so there were all these things that I thought I would always have. so I could play them back day after day. for a smile, a hug, or a kiss Activity – II (Cohesive Devices – Practice), Question 20. If I were a man, a young man, and knew what I know today, I would guard my passions as Kings guard treasures, And keep them high and clean. Read The Poem And Answer The Questions. Moreover 4. This stanza repeats what she compared above. 10 Sample Collection Letters | Examples, Format and How To Write Sample Collection Letters? Question 7. Template, Format, Sample and Examples. Arun and his friends were responsible for starting the Science Society of Trivandrum for the benefit of school children. On the advice of Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor, who was also a teacher of deaf people, Keller’s parents got a teacher for the Blind. Political freedom, economic freedom, and religious freedom are essential for the proper growth of a person. Fill in the blanks using the appropriate cohesive device from the ones given in brackets. Appearances can be deceptive. We empower you to make beautiful, meaningful, handmade creations. had not given, would have refused, had refused, would not have been willing had not been, would not have received, had not received, wouldn’t have got. Stanza 4 : Keep talking with the crowds but maintain your virtue. I would ! In 1900, Keller entered Radcliffe College. ‘Never breathe a word about your loss. Students can Download English Poem 1 The Computer Swallowed Grandma Questions and Answers, Summary, Notes Pdf, Activity, Samacheer Kalvi 7th English Book Solutions Guide Pdf helps you to revise the complete Tamilnadu State Board New Syllabus and score more marks in your examinations. You should view Success and Failure equally. If I knew it would be the last time. We should know that all that glitters is not gold. Question 6. If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs …………………………………………. and whisper in their ear, that I'd see you fall asleep, I would tuck you in more tightly. Explain three of them. Patriotism is the love of one’s motherland. It is this uncertainty that gives the poem its intension and complexity and makes it one of the finest of all political poems. Typing Certificate | Contents, Format, Sample and How To Write Typing Certificate? Search. A liar may succeed temporarily but in the long run he is bound to fail and will be put to shame. The poem is in rhyme and it has good sound effects. He is very generous and is always willing to help the weak. Unless we know the true value of things, we may spend our time and energy trying to get things that have no true value. To make his ideas clear, the speaker has used many symbols. What is the message conveyed in the last stanza of the poem? What is the central theme of the poem? If I Knew. He has many leadership qualities and he takes initiatives in many things. Question 8. Answer: I fully agree with the view that in the face of unrighteous behavior, we should face it with righteous behavior. And today may be the last chance If all men count with you, …. ‘Unforgiving minutes’ is a metaphoric expression as it refers to time that waits for no man; it is like a race where every second is important. 5 Questions | By Miminjw | Last updated: Aug 14, 2013 | Total Attempts: 4111 . Answer: The central theme of the poem is the qualities of greatness or the traits of a perfect man. Answer: Helen Keller : She was an American lecturer and writer who overcame severe physical disabilities, inspiring many other people to similar accomplishments. 2. Identify the poetic form, figurative language and poetic structure. the last time that I see you walk out the door, I would ! what turned out to be their one last wish. ‘The cat will only give my tail back if the cow ______________ (give) me some milk. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone, I have a dream that one day, down in Alabama, with its vicious racists, with its governor having his lips dripping with the words of ‘interposition’ and ‘nullification—one day right there in Alabama little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. 3. Another common factor is the love for liberty, freedom. Question 12. Continue to hold on even you have nothing left except your will. Could you but guess How you alone make all my happiness, How I am more than Answer: The speaker here is a father. All men should be able to count on his help. ’ What impression do you get about the poet when you read this? The cow gave the mouse some milk; the mouse gave the cat the milk. Text Questions And Answers OR NCERT Solutions Of When You Are Old. ICSE Previous Year Question Papers Class 10, Concise Mathematics Class 10 ICSE Solutions, Concise Chemistry Class 10 ICSE Solutions, Concise Mathematics Class 9 ICSE Solutions, Conversation between two friends who met at a Restaurant, on Job Change, Making Get Together Plans. young or old alike, Since the author is unknown, I will type the whole poem down here. (For the will of a man, with his passions measures; It is strong as they are keen.) He should wait and shouldn’t be tired of waiting. Now, identify other metaphoric expressions used in the poem. 1. profile. If I knew it would be the last time, Asked by Ali T #1107293. Without self-control we will go astray. All great men preach internationalism and universal brotherhood Even as we preach nationalism, we must be internationalists. Although I appreciate that you like my poem enough to share it, I require that non -commercial uses of my poetry be accompanied by a appropriate credit and link back to my website.

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