it's tough being a man

My definition of “being a man” challenges me to speak openly and honestly about my thoughts and feelings. But it can also be harmful if you’re struggling with a mental illness or just to make ends meet. For a man, having zero support is normal, being supported is weird, and if you ever come to suicide you’ll notice even that doesn’t change the situation much. Some say that being a man requires grit, square-jawed determination, a working knowledge of weaponry, and, preferably, rock-solid abs. Women can get away with that damn near all day long, but as a man, if you decide to get into it with someone, you’re likely to face an escalation of force…more intense verbal altercation, physical intimidation (getting in your face), physical contact, pushing, then maybe or maybe not a sucker punch or all out brawl with the capacity to escalate into deadly force. I think this is mainly what I do daily, what I put most effort in, to get a basic, minimum amount of these things. I don’t know how. Otoko wa Tsurai yo (男はつらいよ, "It's tough being a man") is a Japanese film series … Don’t make enough money to afford a nice car? We have to deal with rejection on an entirely different level. Not too long ago a judge used ‘I couldn’t imagine coming home and my kids not being there…’ to justify giving full custody to the mother…without even once considering that hey, the father is going to be just as heartbroken. Every now and then, life tends to throw you a curveball and a woman wants to be able to rely on her man to remain strong no matter what happens. “I think the most important thing that is worth mentioning, is that as a man, nobody cares about you. The systems are at fault, the only thing I do blame individuals for are when they come along and start vehemently denying that the bullshit men have to go through on a daily basis even exists ‘because privilege.’ Everybody deals with shit; just because they’re not dealing with your shit doesn’t mean they’re not dealing with any shit.”, “Having to put emotions aside and be ‘strong.’”, “It take a lot of guts and determination to date. This means certain jobs are culturally frowned upon, and men are heavily stigmatized for entering. So to a point you have to develop sociopathic tendencies and kill your sense of empathy so you can maintain your ego. Like “Check out these 20 hot bearded men” and they’re all tall and bearded. Average height and build, at the very least. Most guys I know have ridiculously little information to base their self-image on—for some, they decide they’re awesome anyway and say fuck it, for others they decide they’re losers and give up—it’s almost pure chance which way they go and has almost nothing to do with objectively how good/good-looking/awesome a guy actually is. Unfortunately this world no longer has a space for "I may disagree with what you're saying, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it". I’m not allowed to get carried away. Men in particular often confuse toughness with strength, thinking that being strong is automatically the same as being tough, when in fact the two are distinct qualities. “I think that they’d be surprised by what constitutes a man’s fantasy when it comes to romance. There is little sympathy. Many women would probably think that a man just fantasizes about the kind of thing that you see in various adult videos. All those people were literally just dicks, people are like that. I’d keep going, but I struck out a long time ago…”. A homeless man? “Walk like a man. I’ve never had a drink bought for me, I’ve never been taken on a date, I’ve never received a Valentine’s/anniversary gift (sex doesn’t count, that’s for both of us), I get a generic zero thought T-shirt for my birthday, she either can’t tell or doesn’t care that I’m upset (unless I yell, and then I have to cheer her up), I’ve never felt emotionally supported and I’ve never been able to have an actual conversation about my passions, I don’t want to just talk at you while you nod and agree; I want you to make me think, too. Addeddate 2016-02-08 18:59:28 So is getting chewed out because men are expected to take the first steps and others have come before me. She was shocked to hear that I didn’t receive the same service.”. Riches over God's Kingdom. Most men who are aware of this will alter their behavior to avoid looking like a threat as much as possible. You need to suck it up.”, “You have to be scared of kids. Dating for a woman is far more passive. I am suicidally depressed, I have made this fact clear to the mental health professionals in my town. It is the sinister silliness of men's fashions, and a clubby attitude in the arts. I’m sure other guys experience this, but I’m pretty sure it’s even worse when you’re black. 2) Zero Support Dedicated to your stories and ideas. It's Tough Being A Man by Manhood Academy. Men don’t just want sex; while we like it very much, we also want love and affection. It was indeed difficult for a man wealthy, honoured, dignified, to strip himself of his riches and rank, and openly cast in his lot with the despised Jesus and his followers, voluntarily surrendering all that hitherto had made life beautiful and worth living. It’s true – being handsome is a living hell. Everyone should have an involved Dad and Dad’s role should not be downplayed. But they don’t mean them, so it’s okay. They really mean a lot.”. But me? You need to be an emotionally stable rock so that your girlfriend/wife/s.o. And, I live in the third world being merely … Meanwhile if you are out of work, you are a deadbeat dad. Of course this varies from man to man, but in general I would say that men are treated with much less kindness than women, particularly attractive women. I buy the drinks, I buy the dinner, I buy the movie, I buy the Valentine’s Day present, I buy the anniversary present, I buy a thoughtful birthday present, I buy the random little surprises, I’m there for her when she’s upset, I support her emotionally, I encourage her to follow her dreams, I help her and push her, I pay her compliments, I pay attention and learn about her passions. This rich young man simply asked Jesus how … We’re just not allowed to show it because that’s a sign of weakness and we’re taught at a young age that you have to put up a perfect image or no one will ever want you.”, “The unwritten expectations on ‘being a man’ are a big part of how our lives are shaped. You’re valuable just as a human being.’. In everyday life, there are thousands of examples of this. Maybe I’ve just had bad experiences, but from what I’ve seem women seem to like what guys can provide for them and couldn’t give two shits about the actual guy. Very confrontational, and there were several discussions published on YouTube by user Manhood101 or AcaDemy. 1) Not showing any pain or weakness est 1. You learn, slowly but surely, that your value is contingent upon what you do and not just who you are. He needs to put his heart and soul into a performance that is enough to be noticed. They have a kid/s and the kid needs someone to look after them as they go into these situations, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read about dads getting questioned by an army of concerned mothers/a police officer to why they’re at a park/playground. Excellent pectorals. You still remember being valued. How little your pain matters compared to a woman’s. A girl will only date tall guys and she’s just got preferences and knows what she wants. The first employee I found was male, and his response was ‘hang on, it’s store policy that male employees don’t handle these situations.’ So he had to go get a female employee who then helped the kid out. I don’t know why women feel they can playfully punch us all the time. If it’s from a highly respected or highly attractive person? You just aren’t deemed as important as mom….That’s a fact that makes me boil with rage every time I think about it. That compliment, that insult, that breakup. RENEE MONTAGNE, HOST: It's not hard … Can’t tough out emotional, physical, or mental stress? Societal norms is that men have to express interest first…and then get blasted as evil horny pigs because she’s getting hit on repeatedly, which usually gets taken out on the most recent guy. That’s what it takes to not give a shit about the women who reject you. A woman only needs to make an unfounded accusation to get his ass thrown in jail; a man can be the victim for years, and the response is ‘Yeah right, she’s a woman, she can’t hurt you!’ Rape of men is laughed off for the same reasons…and it only gets worse when it comes down to men being the victims of physical violence…a woman hits a man in an offensive sense (not defending herself) and he deserved it; a man hits a woman in self-defense and how fucking dare you don’t you know you’re so much bigger and stronger than her you fucking monster! on February 8, 2016. And don’t get me started on divorces. We’re supposed to be tough and just take the meanness.”. For many of us, the changes in our relationship with our wives means that our last close friendship becomes increasingly utilitarian, to the point that we have no close friends at all.”. We don’t want to admit that a problem might be there. Can’t support your spouse and children on your own? Surrender in battle was the ultimate disgrace. Hell, we’re trained to dismiss anything we do hear—‘they’re just being polite,’ ‘They’re paid to act friendly,’ etc. “We are taught from a young age that things don’t happen to you, they happen because of you. I’ve made peace with this fact, that for a girl to love me I must be stoic but it makes it so much harder when every girl tells me otherwise and then inevitably proves me right. I didn’t before. In American society at least, men are also looked at as a potential threat, and women are looked at as ‘safe,’ so there is a whole cultural set of expectations women probably don’t even notice. We don’t have friends we can be emotional with, we can’t share these emotions with a significant other, we beat our emotions so far down that we often have trouble feeling them at all. “I think for me being a real man meant talk like a man,” said a young man who’d grown up in Turkey. A man is the first to … He’s seen as an outcast. Well, we weren’t born that way, we had to become that way.”. There was once a guy who named himself "Professor" and he had quite a respectable project going, named "Manhood Academy", also an ebook. People do care about women.”. abuse. You’re good enough. I’m not sure how different this is for women, it’s not like we have an exclusive on insecurity, but the general amount of attention, reassurance, support, etc. All of human history has acknowledged this fact, but now in the last 20 years suddenly we’re more civilized than that. Men that don’t look ‘good’ are reminded every day of how inadequate they are.”, “As a black guy, being a bogeyman of sorts. Preposterous. Oh and don’t tell me I’m just dating the wrong girls. My Facebook feed is littered with mostly naked guys in suggestive poses, yet I would get slammed if I posted a sexy cosplay girl. We also like to be cuddled and have a girl play with our hair. Thick biceps and forearms. I can’t even imagine what it’s like without these things.”, “How incredibly easy it is to be completely invisible.”. This is where Manhood Academy steps in to expose the bullshit and offer a real solution. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. See what's new with book lending at the Internet Archive, Uploaded by It’s relearning how to speak from a truly genuine and unapologetic place. A man’s romantic fantasy is just be accepted for who he is. • Avoiding situations where some random mother is going to give the “mamma-bear-don’t-trust-you” stink eye because of your proximity to kids. Boys learn and practice this peculiar relationship by the whole ‘boys will be boys’ type of play that is presently so condemned in schools with a zero tolerance policy…we then expect those same boys to have mastered their relationship with violence. I’m so lost…”, “That nobody cares about adult men. For example one time I was in the supermarket and a little kid came up to me and told me he was lost. This bear-trap is the curse of handsomeness. He’s expected to make the first move and do something or be something to prove his worth to her right away. You can be the shittiest, most shallow (and even proud of that fact,) immature, and self-centered, validation-seeking asshole as a woman and people will be falling all over themselves to be your friend, to help you, to get you to come to their party, to date you, etc. When we’re older we’ve (sometimes) got wives and girlfriends, and sometimes they’re not nice, either. It’s seeking out regular psychological therapy — something that many cis-men, specifically cis-Black men are taught not to do. This is what men around the world face today. Men are used to—99% of the time—having no worth as a person, only mattering for what we’ve done, not really being seen and not really being cared about…and when someone really sees us, or shows that we matter? Others are allowed to seek help. My GF showed me a list of all the counselors available to her across the many women’s centers and shelters across town, and her expected wait time of two days. He ran to the back to grab the food and carried it to the check out and then carried it to the car. If you are brought up understanding there is an inherent favorable bias towards men, and that is taken away, it isn’t easy.” He’s seen as a threat. It just means being the one who is responsible for leading the way to achieve whatever it is you and the other people are attempting to achieve. While men are labelled ‘studs’ or ‘players’ if you sleep with many girls, there is no real joy in it, only to raise our self-esteem. But it’s just not there anymore. There’s this attitude that men can’t possibly be victims, because men are strongTM. Women tend to be pretty afraid of you when you walk behind them in the afternoon or at night. “The complete and total lack of regard or value for our own lives. Any genuine compliment that gets through to us will be remembered by a guy. Society in general doesn’t give a fuck about men’s problems at all, not even a little. Men are tired of having to constantly put on a show. Strike, strike, strike. You use appropriate violence when you put a child in time out. By subscribing, you agree to the terms of our Privacy Statement. Sure, we have an animalistic side that thinks about that. But I can’t do it. You have to be the one to approach a woman. Guys couldn’t care less about how a specific outfit or hairstyle looks on you, about your makeup or fashion coordination, or the tiny little details you think are imperfections. Men are seen as having more control. First let me define violence: The use of, or the use of the threat of force. Society expects you to register for the draft and be the implied threat of force (or its actual implementation) for your nation should the need arise. Have a wife? But because people jump to call men pedophiles in the U.S., instead of walking the kid to the front or trying to help him find his mom and dad, I had to tell him to stand there and not to move, and I went to the front and got an employee. I hate that I have to feel. It can literally change their life. Express love actively. She can get any man she wants. You must never turn it on accidentally in situations that don’t require it. Can’t physically protect someone? If you get a divorce good luck getting even split custody of your kids. “I’m never allowed to be weak. I could be strong enough to carry all of my family’s problems back then because I didn’t feel weight of that emotional burden. The ‘women are helpless and incapable of providing for themselves’ mentality runs rampant in the legal system, everything from custody to support/alimony…. Can be tough mentally and physically. Even when we’re surrounded by people, it’s very easy to feel completely on your own. Strike. “It’s hard. Ask your guy when was the last time someone really complimented him and what effect it had. It is the My Dad was devoted to me (and now is devoted to his grandkids) and it’s made me a better person. As a former high school linebacker and as a guy that gained weight due to surgery, I can tell you that the men that have decent bodies are on a different level than men that don’t. How you respond will determine where that goes. Seriously, can we not just admit were not as evolved as we think we are and that strong men who don’t show weakness are more attractive than weak ones? That’s a reason we treasure our friends so much. It’s a lot of work. Also, no one really cares about you. When we have kids, our relationships with our wives change, and we have less and less time for friends, and male friends are regarded increasingly as a waste of time, and female friends as inappropriate. You never feel truly satisfied just being there. Can’t fix something yourself? He’s a dumb, meatheaded lunk. We’re not impervious to pain. “Now you’re in the wheelhouse,” he said, excitedly. Nobody protests in the streets about how misandrist and objectifying and unrealistic body image Calvin Klein ads are, or how stupidly revealing pro wrestler short shorts are, for example. In Matthew 19:16-24 we read Jesus' conversation with a rich young man. Frankly, I know I’m probably in the minority here, but I believe that the condemnation of relatively harmless violence or violent play has led to the high prevalence of mass shooting scenarios where boys/men haven’t learned the appropriate escalation of force in response to bullying and instead suddenly escalate to 11 on the 10 scale.”. When you think a guy has no interest in you he’s probably thinking the same thing about you. Choose your friends for the right reasons. Are all these irrelevant things stuff women pay attention to on guys?? Strong legs. We as men are going through the same exact thing that women are going through, but it’s not talked about at all. If you happen to have little to no friends, it can be really hard, because women will think you are going after them, and the little amount of men you would consider as potential friends are usually too busy being insecure, cocky jerks who will feel threatened when interacting with unknown men. We’re supposed to bottle everything we feel up. Mentally I think most guys experience the very same doubts, insecurity, and frustration as women. Because we’re afraid that it’ll turn into an indictment of ourselves and no one will sit there and say… ‘It’s not your fault. I’m not allowed to yell at someone. Clearly you’re a hard worker. This is no podium of gender to mount and shout from. Doraemon - Season 15: It's Tough Being the Rain Man, the Bringer of Rain - Dad has a very important golf game coming up but he is known as the rain man, the one who always brings the rain. Abortion. You have to take getting shot down and ridiculed with a smile. Ya, that feeling is just how we feel.”, “How terrified we are that you could ruin our lives with one accusation.”. I miss the numbness I used to have when I did drugs every day. It’s not a lack of wanting to help, it’s the intense fear of being falsely labeled something.”, “How awkward it is to cry or be emotional in front of other people, even in situations where it would be normal, such as funerals. I hate feelings. As a rule, 99% of the time—no one gives us compliments, positive feedback, or shows desire for us. The accessories hanging off the person and not the person? She just fell out of love with you? I walked in with a baby in a carrier one day, and I was greeted by everyone, and every single employee went out of their way to ask me what I was getting and if they could get it for me. Strike. I don’t think they even realize it, but its obvious after you’ve seen it enough times. When it comes to romance a man, typically, is expected to take on a very active role. People will not help you if you’re neck-deep in shit because the expectation is that a man can/should find their own way out. I guess all you can do is keep trying, I don't feel like trying so I wouldn't blame you if you didn't try to be more out there. And it is amazing. While you are implicitly expected to be able to turn it on if the need arises, (Homeless belligerent drunk starts accosting your wife/gf for instance, or trying to physically intimidate her) you are expected to have absolute control. There is constant pressure to perform…never good enough, not a good enough provider, not strong enough, not allowed moments of weakness, and it’s goddamned exhausting. “Women can be astoundingly mean to men in the dating scene—and it affects us just as much as you. There’s no guy equivalent of ‘girl, you’re looking good today’ from your friends. Women group together under similar banners, but men often fragment into safer solitary ‘bubbles.’. “Rejection. The total lack of support extends beyond a personal level, too. There is little to no natural camaraderie outside of close circles or shared familiarity of a job or profession. Proverbs 24:30-34 ESV / 78 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful. I was fully capable for getting a 30lb bag of dog food and the baby but one employee simply wasn’t having it. As Erwan Le Corre, founder of MovNat , says, “Some people with great muscular strength may lack toughness and easily crumble when circumstances become too challenging. “The level of loneliness we live in. As a man, you get less initiative from others to do stuff than women. Friendships with other men get less time and attention and are increasingly treated as juvenile, unnecessary, and a waste of time. You may unsubscribe at any time. On a subtle and sub-communicated level, it’s like having an argument to prove your worth in order to get people to acknowledge you and in some cases even show you the most basic human respect. To do otherwise is to find yourself labeled a coward or an unstable individual. When it comes to equality in pay, it's inevitable, and it's going to happen quickly." This reinforces the stoic mindset. I want to share with my significant other, I want to feel some support, I want her to be able to care about my issues, but doing so inevitably ruins the relationship. At first, I wasn't exactly sure who originally made this. So here’s the point of all of this. Basically, if you let your social life loose, you can spend weeks without a call or text. It’s why they call oppression ‘the man’! I know if I didn’t have my cats, I’d be another one of them.”. I’ll probably delete this because of embarrassment soon which kind of proves that men aren’t allowed feel this way. So dating sucks and I’m not surprised my generation is moving to a hook-up culture.”, “Most women aren’t attracted to you and eventually, you just kind of settle for the ones who do like you who usually aren’t the ones you’re into. I gotta figure it out on my own. Publication date 1990-12-12 Topics Manhood Academy, feminism, social interaction, debates Language English. Learn about us. “It’s because of this sense of entitlement. The typical romantic fantasy from a woman’s perspective is for a man to come and ‘sweep her off of her feet.’ It’s for the man to put on such a good, enchanting show that there’s no way that she could possibly reject his advances. There comes a point for many of us when we get married or enter into a relationship like marriage. Then, you are essentially invisible. But when we think with our heart we fantasize about something completely different. I was shocked. Don’t talk to kids, don’t wave to them: Don’t do it. You’re supposed to have all this control. A guys says he will only date girls with a big rack and he’s labeled a misogynistic asshole. “My first world is humanity. You … This all fell victim to the censors of course. No positive reinforcement. Please. We’ve just been taught to suppress it, so when we do actually cry or articulate our emotional pain, the odds are very high that even those displays are heavily muted….You probably have no idea how much we do hurt.”. We hear about all the crap women go through, but ever stop to think about all the dick size jokes? And if I express this feeling, everyone just says I need to fix the problem myself. She also pays the bills. “We’re increasingly alone as adults. We typically like YOU as a person and you’ll always be you regardless of how you’re dressed. Submit your writing to be published on Thought Catalog. Put yourself in the man’s situation and imagine asking a guy out you are very attracted to and having him treat it like an insult that you would think he’d consider you. …You’re expected to be physically capable of resisting a violent assault and if you aren’t, you will be looked down upon by both sexes. Life as a dad and a man. As a man you can be the most attractive, mature, well-rounded, put-together, and emotionally intelligent guy around and it’s still a fight to get people to pay attention to you. This is from someone who is reasonably attractive, has a prestigious job, and is comfortable in groups and social situations. It is mostly about empowering individuals and getting people to work together to achieve common goals. And it’s a bitter pill to swallow, once you grow up and become a man. I am currently waiting six months for a single hour-long counseling session and can expect to wait another six for the next one. I asked the guy after why that was the policy (even tho I kinda knew the answer) and he explained to me that it’s happened before just in this store alone, where a male employee had gone to comfort a crying kid or help them find their parents, and either the parents or a stranger has accused them of trying to kidnap them. 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