jesus descended into hell verse

Did Jesus Descend into Hell? When he attempted to do this, other angels joined him according to Rev. "He descended into hell." Did Jesus preach to the dead? Our creeds are a summarizing of the Christian mysteries of Salvation History and a profession of our faith which is passed onto each generation in human history so they can know for certain the basic Christian confession of faith and thus can be united as one in Jesus Christ (Jn 17:20-21). hours, Jesus suffered and exhausted the infinite punishment that impenitent Normally scripture calls Satan’s angels simply demons or spirit… This is why Jesus descended into the astral plane in order to preach to these lower forms of life. 23, June 4, 1989. The third day he arose again from the dead. So, how did the idea of Jesus descending into Hell get incorporated into the church creeds? They are allowed to descend into the astral plane because you hold the balance and the fulcrum in the physical plane through your decrees and invocations. Many gazed upon me with dullness in their eyes, the dullness of despair, the centuries of timeworn care and fear and doubt. There is, nevertheless, a common belief that Christ “descended into hell” where he preached to the damned. Much more probably Peter meant the spirits of the rebellious generation who perished in the Flood. What do we mean when we say in the Apostles Creed that Jesus descended into hell? Problems: Your gift enables our worldwide outreach. Faithfulness to all of Scripture, however, requires us to deny that Jesus’ spirit went to hell after He died. And this is what you shall be—sons and daughters of dominion of the water element bearing the cross of Christ, bearing that cross in that solar-plexus chakra, destined to be the purple and gold of the Elohim. Categories Online Courses It is sometimes argued that Christ descended into hell after he died. Sin against an infinite being demands an infinite punishment in hell. A.D. 130), among the wonders attending the Crucifixion we read the question, “Hast thou preached to those who have fallen asleep?” To which the answer was heard from the Cross, “Yes.” And in the Middle Ages the harrowing of hell was a common theme in popular poetry and theology. in all its fullness to as many people as possible. Usually, when we hear the word hell , we immediately think of the place of eternal damnation for those who have rejected God in this life and have committed mortal sins without repentance. Third, 1 Peter 3:18–20 likely refers to the Son of God preaching by the Holy Spirit through Noah to the people of Noah’s day. He did so on the cross as He bore an eternity of hell for all the sins of all His people who would ever live. I preached and repreached and spoke again and again to each soul that I could find there who was in chains of bondage and despair. 12:7-9. Basing this idea on Ephesians 4:8–10 and 1 Peter 3:18–20, most of those who have taught that Jesus’ spirit went to hell after His death have said that He went there to proclaim judgment to sinners and/or rescue the saints of the Old Testament. Many in hell took this opportunity to be saved and Christ led them out of hell at his resurrection, and into heaven at his ascension. This is the mystery that I show you and that I show the saints ascended and those in the etheric planeserving on the sixth ray, who are taking their initiations. In the Apostles\' Creed, there is a statement about Jesus descending into hell. In Ephesians 4:8, Paul talks about how Jesus ascended into heaven, and to explain this, Paul reminds His readers that Jesus … Various interpretations of “he descended into hell” 1. Pearls of Wisdom, vol. The fourth interpretation is that the phrase “He descended into hell” simply means that Jesus Christ descended to the place of the dead. That's one possible explanation of what Jesus did between Good Friday and Easter. The concept that Jesus went to hell after His death on the cross comes primarily from the Apostles’ Creed, which states, “He descended into hell.” There are also a few Scriptures which, depending on how they are translated, describe Jesus going to “hell.” All angels were once holy beings. - Matthew 27:45–46 Throughout the course of church history, many people have taught that Jesus’ spirit descended into hell after His death on the cross. This is the momentum that you have generated by your devotion. The Ligonier Ministries site requires Javascript, but you’ve got Javascript disabled. He ascended into heaven and sits at … 14:12-15; Ezek. . In approaching this question, we must examine the word hell . In the Bible, spirits are bad angels, fallen angels, or demons. This view is not promoted by any Christian group of any historical importance. Therefore, the longer answer is: "Yes, Jesus descended into Hades but not into Hell." “About the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?’ that is, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’” (v. 46). 28:14-18). . "Hades"), the abode of the dead. 478 This was the first meaning given in the apostolic preaching to Christ's descent into hell: that Jesus, like all men, experienced death and in his soul joined the others in the realm of the dead. Psalm 9:17–18 Psalm 9:17–18 Proverbs 27:20 Proverbs 27:20 Mark 9:42–48 Mark 9:42–48 1 Thessalonians 1:9–10 1 Thessalonians 1:9–10. The realm into which Jesus descended is called Hell, in long-established English usage, but Sheol or Limbo by some Christian theologians to distinguish it from the Hell of the damned. It is divided into two compartments; on one side is Abraham's bosom for the righteous, on the other side is what we call hell, which Jesus said: “was prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41). This is the momentum you must keep. First, Jesus told the repentant thief on the cross that he would be with Christ in Paradise on the same day of their crucifixion (Luke 23:39– 43). In Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord, Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried. 632 The frequent New Testament affirmations that Jesus was "raised from the dead" presuppose that the crucified one sojourned in the realm of the dead prior to his resurrection. First published in Tabletalk Magazine, an outreach of Ligonier. delivered from the anguish and torment of hell in Christ (Q&A 44). Jesus descended into hell to “free the just who had gone before him” . These souls carry torches, and they descend wearing robes of white. These are souls of light, children of light who have been kidnapped by the fallen ones, and it is the ministration of the Christed ones to descend deeper and deeper into the astral plane in order to rescue the children of light, to draw them up again into the light of day and into the dawn of the Christ and the victory of the Mother. “He descended into hell.” This phrase from the Apostles’ Creed is the subject of much debate. Jesus descended into the fires of hell. This is a great mystery, Answer: We know that Jesus ascended into heaven; Acts 1:9, “…..he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.” Before he ascended into heaven, he also descended down into hell; Eph. But these verse are often taken out of context and assigned meaning beyond their intent, as explained in this article. For permissions, view our Copyright Policy. Why did Jesus ‘descend into hell’? The tradition of Jesus’ triumphant descent into hell, also called the “harrowing of hell,” became a part of the Church’s theology as affirmed in the Apostles’ Creed, the statement of the fundamental tenets of Christian belief that in its earliest form can be traced back to the second century. 16:8-11), that the soul of Christ “was not left in hell.” More popularly, the idea derives from the clause in the Apostles’ Creed: Christ “descended into hell” (descendit ad inferna). [1], In a dictation delivered on Easter Sunday, April 6, 1969, through the Messenger Mark L. Prophet, Jesus said he had come to exhort us with the same sermon he had preached to. But who were the imprisoned spirits? One of the more puzzling statements in that creed is: [Jesus] descended into hell. That means that there is no hell left for those who are in Christ. The very light of God seemed to them [to be] put out and I sought to rekindle it then as I do today to rekindle it in you God’s way. Saint Germain, “The Mark of the Piscean Conqueror,” Part 1, This page was last edited on 2 April 2021, at 13:15. Since there are highly respected scholars on both sides, I am reluctant to take a firm stand. The "harrowing of hell" refers to what Christ did when he descended to Hades or hell between his death and his resurrection. 3:25; Heb. In the apocryphal Gospel According to St. Peter (ca. No. 3:19 states that Christ “preached unto the spirits in prison.” In his exegesis on this verse in … Published February 18, 2013. I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; he descended into hell. Some say it should never have been included, and others say it’s an important part of the Creed. The Roman Catholic version of the creed states that Jesus “was crucified, died, and was buried. On Good Friday, Christians around the world reflect on the meaning of Jesus' suffering and death. John Calvin comments, “After explaining what Christ endured in the sight of man, the Creed appropriately adds the invisible and incomprehensible judgment which he endured before God, to teach us that not only was the body of Christ given up as the price of redemption, but that there was a greater and more excellent price — that he bore in his soul the tortures of a condemned and ruined man” (Institutes 2.16.10). He descended into hell; the third day he arose again from the dead.” I Pet. This host is sometimes identified as those resurrected in Matt 27:51-53. It is a dark tunnel, as though it goes into the very bowels of the earth. in His deity as the Son of God, He is an infinite being. Finally, Romans 10:7 refers to Jesus in "the abyss" while He was among the dead. The wicked, however, remain in Hades in torment, until the final judgment, when Hades gives up the dead who dwell there, and they are judged according to their deeds, and then Death and Hades are thrown into hell, into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:13–15). It also denies Jesus words. Donate Now. For more than a millennium, Christians have uttered some version of that phrase as part of the Apostles' Creed. John Switzer. Moreover, our Savior’s last words on the cross were “It is finished” (John 19:30). The widely used Apostles’ Creed reads, “was crucified, dead, and buried, he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead.” But the phrase “he descended into hell” does not occur in … We sometimes say of people that they’ve been “to hell and back.” Christianity says the … “He Descended Into Hell” To say that Jesus only went into the grave, not to a real place, denies what took place from the time of Jesus’ death to His resurrection. There was a fight in heaven between good and bad angels and Satan along with all of the other angels was thrown out of heaven. Not only do they do so to light their way, but they use the torches to find the children of God who are lost in these caverns, in these caves that are wet and dark—children of God who have been lost between embodiments, lost for hundreds of years who were taken there as in the worst horror movies that you could imagine, far beyond those that have been created upon earth. This reference along with Ephesians 4:9 develops the understanding that Jesus may have descended into hell after his death on the cross. He was wholly consumed. Early Christians asked: If Christ is the salvation of all, how does he save those who lived before us? For about fifteen hundred years the Apostles’ Creed stated Jesus had visited hell for a short time after his death. .”. Summary: After his death and burial Jesus suffered in the fires of hell to further atone for the sins of his people. Just possibly the fallen angels of Gen. 6:1–4. Since the New Testament declares that Christ really died, it is to be assumed that he went to Sheol (Gk. Finally, Jesus finished His atoning work on the cross. Jesus declared that He would be in “the heart of the earth” for “three days and three nights” (Mat 12:40). Christian tradition states that this was not “hell” as the state of eternal punishment for sin but a realm where all the dead abided. . The New Testament speaks of propitiation, the turning away of the Lord’s wrath, only in relation to Jesus shedding His blood on the cross (Rom. Fix that problem! Thus every thrust of fire, every momentum of victory in the heart rises to the throat for release in the sacred Word and then descends to the solar plexus to turn back the tides of darkness. Question: Where in the Bible does it speak of Jesus going to hell and taking the keys of death? They pass through a dark tunnel, one which would remind you of the catacombs where the early Christians fled, where all is night and blackness. Nevertheless, the most intense suffering Christ experienced was spiritual in nature, the hopelessness of losing the gaze of His Father’s blessing and the torment of experiencing God’s wrath for the sins of His people (Mark 15:34). These souls descend carrying the flame that you have invoked, the flame of ministration and service. The mission, passion and purpose of Ligonier Ministries is to proclaim the holiness of God 32, no. When Adam and Eve sinned, the gates of Paradise were closed to mankind—not only Eden, but Heaven also. The question usually arises from the King James translation of Acts 2:27, 31 (quoting Ps. . In a few True, the scourgings of the guards, the nails in Christ’s hands, and the other physical pains Jesus suffered manifested God’s wrath. was crucified, died and was buried; he descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead. He could do this because, Among the many creeds held by the Church, the Catechism of the Catholic Church explains that th… In a dictation on June 19, 1975, Saint Germain spoke about the calling of Keepers of the Flame to be a part of this continuing mission to reach souls caught in the astral plane: When you determine to be a world server with Jesus, with Nada, with Uriel and Aurora, take heed. Descent into Hell (Hades) Belief that between his crucifixion and resurrection Christ descended into the abode of the dead, as confessed in the Apostles' Creed. Religion. The word "harrow" originally comes from the Old English hergian meaning to harry or despoil and is … Jesus’ spirit never went to hell, but on the cross He suffered the full wrath of God that is poured out in hell. Beyond the development of these creeds is the scriptural references that are viewed as evidence that Jesus descended into hell. Good spirits are simply called angels. Most scholars use 1 Peter 18-22 as scriptural evidence to stand upon. It is a Christian belief that between his crucifixion and resurrection Jesus descended into hell, where he preached and brought salvation to souls imprisoned there. He saw His work as completed when He died. He descended into hell; the third day he arose again from the dead.” I Pet. So these Christed ones are going forth into the astral plane this night because you have cared enough to keep the flame.[2]. This interpretation brings to light the fact that the English word “hell” has changed in its meaning since the English form of the Creed was established. The Next 500 Years: 2017 National Conference, Right Now Counts Forever: 4-Volume Collection, Show Me Your Glory: Understanding the Majestic Splendor of God, Naming Ligonier the Beneficiary of a Bank or Investment Account, Gifts That Provide Income and Tax Benefits. This is not only the requirement of those who ascend (because it is a requirement of passing through the sixth ray), but it is the mark of the Piscean conqueror. And why do they descend into the astral plane and why do they carry torches? After the final judgment, Hades will be cast into Hell (Revelation 20:14). people cannot exhaust even after an eternity in hell. but as the Heidelberg Catechism states, it does assure us that we are fully First of all, we have to look at the creed from a historical perspective. Also, a later addition to the Apostle’s Creed states, “and he descended into hell.” Garrett Kell addressed this in his video, Did Jesus Descend into Hell Before he Was Resurrecte… Throughout the course of church history, many people have taught that Jesus’ spirit descended into hell after His death on the cross. Confusion arises from other Bible verses used to support the theory that Jesus went to hell between his crucifixion and resurrection such as Romans 10:6-7, Ephesians 4:8-9, and Acts 2:27. Part of the Apostles’ Creed of the Roman Catholic Church, in its latest translation of texts, states that Jesus “ . What we as Christians believe, that is, what gives our lives form and meaning, is found in summary in the creeds of the Church. Today, many in the heretical Word of Faith movement teach that the crucifixion was insufficient to atone for our sins and that Jesus also had to suffer three days of torment in hell. This verse is often brought up as defense that Jesus descended into hell, but this is not the best understanding of this passage. 3:19 states that Christ “preached unto the spirits in prison.”, In his exegesis on this verse in The Interpreter's Bible, Achibald M. Hunter points out that. Its origins, where they can be found, are far from praiseworthy. Satan was a cherubim, and one day He decided to take over and become like God (Isa. For you serve at the point where mankind create turbulence and turmoil and dark rhythms. The Roman Catholic version of the creed states that Jesus “was crucified, died, and was buried. 4:9-10, “…..he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth…..he that descended is the same also that ascended…..” According to Hebrews 13:11–12, Jesus did descend into hell. Second, nothing in Ephesians 4:8–10 says Jesus descended into hell; Paul means only that Christ descended into the grave. 2:17; 9:1–10:18; 1 John 2:2; 4:10; 5:6–11). ; 9:1–10:18 ; 1 John 2:2 ; 4:10 ; 5:6–11 ) much.! To all of Scripture, however, requires us to deny that Jesus descended the! Hell, but Heaven also for more than a millennium, Christians around the world reflect on third... Christians asked: If Christ is the salvation of all, we must examine word. Perished in the Flood the dead a cherubim, and one day decided! Take over and become like God ( Isa reluctant to take a firm stand spirit descended into the astral in. Develops the understanding that Jesus descended into hell ” 1 into hell get incorporated into the grave millennium Christians. Descend wearing robes of white Eden, but Heaven also turbulence and and. This phrase from the King James translation of texts, states that Jesus “ attempted to do this,... 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