transcription factor binding site prediction

Omni-ATAC-seq was performed according to [6] with minor modifications. As expected, TFs with the highest increase in AUPR (NFYB and Sp1 Fig. However, all the work with footprinting in ATAC-seq so far [5, 15, 16] used computational methods tailored to DNase-seq data and ignored characteristics intrinsic to the ATAC-seq protocol. Myers R. REST ChIP-seq Protocol PCR1x on human GM12878 ENCODE accession: ENCSR000BQS. Genetic regulation depends to a great extent on sequence-specific transcription factors. Accessed 20 Jul 2017. As shown in our analysis, this simple strategy has lower power in detection of cell-specific TFs given the inclusion of a larger number of false positive binding sites. Genome Biol. Institute for Computational Genomics, Joint Research Center for Computational Biomedicine, RWTH Aachen University Medical School, Aachen, 52074, Germany, Department of Cell Biology, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University Medical School, Aachen, 52074, Germany, Cluster of Excellence for Multimodal Computing and Interaction, Saarland Informatics Campus, Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany, Computational Biology & Applied Algorithmics, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbrücken, Germany, Institute for Cardiovascular Regeneration, Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, German Centre for Cardiovascular Research (DZHK), Partner site RheinMain, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Helmholtz Institute for Biomedical Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, Thomas Look, Martin Zenke & Ivan G. Costa, Institute of Human Genetics, RWTH Aachen University Medical School, Aachen, Germany, You can also search for this author in EGR1 is an important transcription factor in memory formation. We further evaluate the use of strand-specific and non-strand specific signals, where the dimensions of input signals vary from 2 to 12Footnote 2. PDMs consider dependencies between particular pairs of positions j and l up to a particular distance d, i.e., d≥|l−j| and l

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