maurizio sobrero unibo

Via Capo di Lucca 34, Bologna - Vai alla mappa. This paper aims to detect the role of relationship lending in explaining firm's innovation activity, its probability to export (i.e. This paper explores a new role for government in facilitating collaborative R & D, one of discouraging opportunistic behavior. Appunti universitari presi dagli studenti del docente Sobrero Maurizio - unibo - Corso di laurea in ingegneria gestionale. Are their networks sparser or denser? 2012/2013 © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. A metà mattina sono arrivati insieme i due sconfitti, l'economista gestionale Maurizio Sobrero e il chimico Dario Braga, mentre attorno a mezzogiorn­o, come una settimana fa, l'ingegnere Francesco Ubertini. In this paper, we build on social cognitive career theory to examine the relation between entrepreneurial intention and new venture creation (i.e., the entrepreneurial career choice). Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei The Effects of Privatization on R&D Investments and Patent Productivity Federico Munari and Maurizio Sobrero NOTA DI LAVORO 64.2002 SEPTEMBER 2002 PRIV - Privatisation, Regulation, Antitrust Federico Munari and Maurizio Sobrero, University of Bologna, Italy This paper can be downloaded without charge at: The Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei Note di Lavoro Series . Using a sample of Italian publicly traded firms in the period of 1996-2006, we analyze whether and to what extent the mandatory adoption of IFRS has affected the value relevance of intangible assets. 866 - 906 [articolo]. 2005/2006 The effects of university-level support mechanisms, implemented within universities to foster the creation of academic start-ups, are discussed in comparison with local-context support mechanisms, available to any new start-ups in a particular territory. Maurizio Sobrero - email: Although the economic and welfare consequences of privatization processes have been widely studied, less attention has been paid to understanding how these processes affect corporate research and development (R&D), and hence the innovative performance of the firm. Does patenting alter their behaviour and role within the network along their careers? Contenuto trovato all'internoLa storia della lingua italiana del Novecento è legata a quella del cinema a doppio nodo. Lo schermo, da un lato, inscena il parlato multiforme degli italiani; dall’altro, ne condiziona gli usi e contribuisce a costruirne le identità. Why do university researchers decide to start-up a new venture? L'aziendalista che scala l'Unibo Il docente: «Guidare l'Alma Mater adesso sarebbe un onore e una responsabilità» The user has r equested enhancement of the do wnloaded file. Massimo Bergami University of Bologna Verified email at University of Bologna - Department of Management. Appunti e Dispense e documenti pubblicati dagli studenti che hanno . He is the author of over 30 peer reviewed articles and 5 books in the Economics and Management of Innovation, with a specific focus on inter-organizational collaborations, University-Industry relationships . e-mail: M. Sobrero e-mail: 123 J Technol Transf (2009) 34:380 . Federico Munari University of Bologna Verified email at Therefore, the ability to understand and to predict intentions becomes a central issue in the managerial literature. Contenuto trovato all'internoQual è la relazione tra competenza linguistica ed efficacia comunicativa? In this contribution we study the formulation of entrepreneurial intentions. Abstract. 2009/2010 We analyze the acquaintances of a sample of academic inventors and their paired controls to investigate the contribution of social networks to the generation of inventive . new venture creation? University of Bologna - Department of Management Oggi, Maurizio Sobrero, professore Ordinario di Economia e Gestione dell'Innovazione presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali, UniBo, ha presentato agli studenti delle classi quarte di Bologna e Castel S. Pietro il mondo post diploma, le sue dinamiche e la sua organizzazione, con un approfondimento sui test d'ammissione richiesti dalla . «In te In this study we assess the relevance of university-level (e.g. La sua grande passione è infatti andare in barca a vela. 364.189 In particular, it investigates how digital platforms, intended both as providers of technological features and online environments, affect this process. «È la giornata più brutta questa, perché tra i quattro. 2011/2012 2013/2014 Given that in these ventures, entrepreneurial activities usually occur as a result of individuals' behaviors, the CEI of their founders is key to explaining these companies' ability to become engaged in entrepreneurial a... Why do university researchers decide to start-up a new venture? e-mail: y Alessandro Malipiero, Department of Management . BBS Alumni talk about themselves: what was before, what came after and the memories of the student's life, to offer a personal story and a narration of one's own professional experience, for a history of our Community. Investigating the social networks of academic inventors, Academic Engagement and Commercialization: A Review of the Literature on University-Industry Relations, Absorptive capacity and localized spillovers: Focal firms as technological gatekeepers in industrial districts, MANAGING TRADE-OFFS WITHIN AND ACROSS DECISION DOMAINS: CONTINUITY, CHANGE AND NEW PRODUCT PERFORMANCE, Relationship with banks and access to credit for innovation and internationalization in SMEs, Economic and management perspectives on the value of patents, Complements or substitutes? In this article, we study the determinants of corporate entrepreneurial intention (CEI) within small and newly established firms. Maurizio Sobrero. In this report we present the first study conducted at a national level using primary and secondary data over an extensive period of time. Maurizio Sobrero (foto LaPresse) La foto di Einstein alle spalle, un manifesto acquistato a Shanghai su una parete, la foto di uno scafo in legno. This has encouraged universities to increase their efforts to promote entrepreneurship. Login; My Story, Our Story. Maurizio Sobrero, ordinario di gestione dell'innovazione, con all'attivo collaborazioni con numerose università internazionali, annuncia la sua corsa al Rettorato in una mail indirizzata a tutta la comunità accademica. Laura Toschi Associate Professor. Community. Bologna, 19 febbraio 2021 - La corsa al rettorato si arricchisce di un nuovo concorrente.Il professor Maurizio Sobrero - il cui nome circolava già da tempo - ha sciolto le riserve. Raffaele Oriani acknowledges the support by Andrea Generale and other colleagues at the Research Department of the Bank of Italy for the support received in creating the Italian sample. Maurizio Sobrero Full Professor. In this report, we use a population-based approach to explore the entrepreneurial activities of 61,115 students, alumni of the 64 Italian universities that are members of the AlmaLaurea consortium, in the second half of 2014. Gabriele Pizzi Associate Professor, University of Bologna Verified email at diffusion. Follow Unibo on Facebook Follow Unibo on Youtube . Maurizio Sobrero Johan Wiklund In this paper, we build on social cognitive career theory to examine the relation between entrepreneurial intention and new venture creation (i.e., the . In new product development projects, this tension guides critical choices about continuity or change concerning product attributes and team composition. Maurizio Sobrero | Bologna, Emilia Romagna, Italia | Full Professor at University of Bologna | 500+ collegamenti | Visualizza il profilo completo di Maurizio su LinkedIn e collegati There is little evidence on the incentives for faculty members to get involved in patenting processes, on the obstacles, and on their perceptions of actions to be taken to successfully support the commercialization of academic knowledge through patents. an extraordinary source of invaluable insights and a spark for creativity, even the more widely read corporate enthusiasts are sure to find something new. ‪Professor of Technology and Innovation Management, University of Bologna‬ - ‪‪7.396 citazioni‬‬ - ‪innovation‬ - ‪entrepreneurship‬ - ‪IPR‬ As much as any society should nurture and help its new generations to prosper and grow, its economy will be significantly disadvantaged without the contribution of new firms. This study analyses the characteristics of the proof-of-concept (POC) programmes initiated by university and public research organisations in Europe, as a mechanism to address funding gaps and improve the transfer of research-based inventions to markets. © 2021 - ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Università di Bologna - Via Zamboni, 33 - 40126 Bologna - Partita IVA: 01131710376, 34442 - ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELL'INNOVAZIONE M (A-K) - 6 cfu, 34442 - ECONOMIA E GESTIONE DELL'INNOVAZIONE M (L-Z) - 6 cfu, 81907 - GESTIONE DEL PROGETTO - INGEGNERIA ECONOMICO GESTIONALE (A-K) - 8 cfu, 81907 - GESTIONE DEL PROGETTO - INGEGNERIA ECONOMICO GESTIONALE (A-K) (Modulo 2), 81907 - GESTIONE DEL PROGETTO - INGEGNERIA ECONOMICO GESTIONALE (L-Z) - 8 cfu, 81907 - GESTIONE DEL PROGETTO - INGEGNERIA ECONOMICO GESTIONALE (L-Z) (Modulo 2). CRIS Current Research Information System. Altri contatti. Using patent data from the automatic packaging machinery industrial district in the region Emilia-Romagna in Northern Italy, we first provide an empirical test of the widely diffused (and rarely measured) assumption that knowle... '. Curriculum vitae di Maurizio Sobrero. Silvia Ghiselli. keywords: technology transfer . 2004/2005. to date, there is scant and mixed evidence about UsOs and their performance, thus producing a debate about their impact on the economy and society and about the legitimization of policies to support their development. An empirical analysis of the role of Universities and local context in supporting the creation and growth of academic start-ups, The Effects of Owner Idendity and Financial Markets on R&D Investments: A Study of Western European Firms, Inter-organizational architecture and innovative processes /, Motivations and Incentives for Patenting Within Universities: A Survey of Italian Inventors, The Effects of Privatization on R&D Investments and Patent Productivity, Focal Firms as Technological Gatekeeers within Industrial Districts: Knowledge Creation and Dissemination in the Italian Packaging Machinery Industry, Institutional Changes and the Commercialization of Academic Knowledge: A Study of Italian Universities' Patenting Activities between 1965 and 2002, Do Stock Markets Value Innovation? Abstract and Figures. Maurizio Sobrero Full Professor. How can we distinguish between the different factors influencing Prior literature has claimed that IFRS adoption should improve the quality of accounting information and reduce information asymmetries. Le graduatorie sono state stilate dai docenti della Commissione "Scambi e mobilità" del Collegio Superiore. Componente del corso integrato  STRATEGIA AZIENDALE M C.I. ‪Professor of Technology and Innovation Management, University of Bologna‬ - ‪‪Cited by 7,366‬‬ - ‪innovation‬ - ‪entrepreneurship‬ - ‪IPR‬ CRIS Current Research Information System. AlmaLaurea - Inter-University Consortium. 2014/2015 Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 1940UNIBO.IT Anichini , Giuseppe , Sec . WORLD ORG . OF JEWISH DEAF ( 13679 ) Helen Keller Ctr . PO Box 9001 61090 ... ( 7331 ) Viale Risogimento 2 1-40136 Bologna , Italy PH : 39 51 6443401 FX : 39 51 6443411 Sobrero , Enrico , Sec . Gen. Chiarello, Maria Assunta and Fini, Riccardo and Ghiselli, Silvia and Girotti, Claudia and Meoli, Azzurra and Sobrero, Maurizio, Student and Graduate Entrepreneurship in Italy - Report 2020 (January 1, 2021). Despite the diffusion of communication tools and boundary spanning technologies, knowledge flows in innovation processes retain Negli altri mesi dell'anno su appuntamento da definire via mail, da definire insieme se meglio in persona o via Teams. Fornisce a ricercatori, amministratori e valutatori gli strumenti per monitorare i risultati della ricerca, aumentarne la visibilità e allocare in modo efficace le risorse disponibili. Our analysis is ba... Are academic inventors more or less connected in publication networks than their non- inventing peers? This paper adopts a multilevel, longitudinal case study approach to analyze universities’ institutional role and their contributions to society. Bronwyn Hall Professor of Economics Emerita, University of California at Berkeley Verified email at Bologna, elezioni del rettore: Maurizio Sobrero. Professor of Technology and Innovation Management, Games of policy and practice: multi-level dynamics and the role of universities in knowledge transfer processes, Crowds, Gigs and Platforms. Riccardo Fini. We present a systematic review of research on academic scientists’ involvement in these activities to which we refer as ‘academic engagement’. 2021/2022 Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali. suggestions on the ownership data, Lucia Piscitello and Maurizio Sobrero for helpful comments on previous versions of this paper. Diamo comunicazione dell'esito della valutazione delle candidature pervenute per il bando "Borse Alumni 2020". In recent years, the role of companies started by university students has generated considerable interest. Go to the University of Bologna homepage. As a consequence, it is often hard to predict how investments in innovation will impact on firm value as determined by stock markets (Oriani and Sobrero, 2002). Contenuto trovato all'internoThis manual aims to provide a systematic and up-to-date overview of Italian linguistics taking into account new research topics such as Italian outside of Italy, historical varieties, or the syntactic properties of early Italian. Maurizio Sobrero Full Professor. L'aziendalista che scala l'Unibo Partecipò infatti al gruppo di fondatori di un'università a Mosca, lo Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology , nata nel 2013 su iniziativa del governo russo che aveva commissionato al Mit il . The role of universities and local context in supporting the creation of academic spin-offs, The Effects of Owner Identity and External Governance Systems on R&D Investments: A Study of Western European Firms, The value relevance of intangible assets: Evidence of mandatory adoption of International Accounting Standards (IAS/IFRS), The Value Relevance of Intangible Assets and the Mandatory Adoption of IFRS, The Foundation of Entrepreneurial Intention, The Determinants of Corporate Entrepreneurial Intention Within Small and Newly Established Firms, Factors Fostering Academics to Start up New Ventures: An Assessment of Italian Founders' Incentives, Uncertainty and the Market Valuation of R&D within a Real Options Logic, OSIRIDE - L’Osservatorio Degli Spin-Off Della Ricerca Della Regione Emilia Romagna (OSIRIDE - The Observatory of Science-Based Spin-Offs in Emilia Romagna), Diffusion of Organisational Practices in Turbulent Environments: An Empirical Analysis of University-Level Patent Regulations, To Patent or Not to Patent? Contenuto trovato all'internoQuesto volume raccoglie i contributi scienti­fici presentati durante la Giornata della Ricerca 2019 del Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione dell’Università degli Studi Roma Tre. Schede bianche ponderate: 34,93. This study explores how the process of work identity construction unfolds for gig workers experiencing unstable working relationships in online labor markets. 2019/2020 Maurizio Sobrero Professor of Technology and Innovation Management, University of Bologna Verified email at Laura Toschi . IRIS è la soluzione IT che facilita la raccolta e la gestione dei dati relativi alle attività e ai prodotti della ricerca. Tra febbraio e Pasqua, durante il periodo delle lezioni, dal lunedì al giovedì dopo ogni lezione in Via Terracini o via Teams a seconda delle preferenze. Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria gestionale, Organizzazione del corso a seguito della sospensione delle attività didattiche. Product development teams often face the challenge of designing radically new products that cater at the same time to the revealed tastes and expectations of existing customers. 2006/2007 Appunti e Dispense e documenti pubblicati dagli studenti che hanno . Most of the literature on university patenting activity has focused on institutional and organizational change and on mechanisms to overcome market inefficiencies and spur academics to patent their research results. Professore ordinario presso Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali — DiSA Silvio Peroni University of Bologna Verified email at Bologna, elezioni del rettore: Maurizio Sobrero. Our analysis is based on a unique dataset of 1,000 firms publicly traded in six European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden an... Thesis (Ph. Maurizio Sobrero 701,12 voti ponderati. SEE PROFILE. Individual intentions influence human behaviors and, as a consequence, organizational outcomes. Not surprisingly, therefore, […] All rights reserved. Maurizio Sobrero "Le sfide di futuri sindaco e rettore? A 'read' is counted each time someone views a publication summary (such as the title, abstract, and list of authors), clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the full-text. In this article, we focus on the knowledge mediating role, as technological “gatekeepers... Little is known about the actual decisions through which firms manage trade-offs between continuity and change. Maurizio Sobrero Professor of Technology and Innovation Management, University of Bologna Verified email at Oggi, Maurizio Sobrero, professore Ordinario di Economia e Gestione dell'Innovazione presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali, UniBo, ha presentato agli studenti delle classi quarte di Bologna e Castel S. Pietro il mondo post diploma, le sue dinamiche e la sua organizzazione, con un approfondimento sui test d'ammissione richiesti dalla . Federico Munari is Professor of Technology and Innovation Management at the University of Bologna. Only verified researchers can join ResearchGate and send messages to other members. Contractual coordination refers to the mutual exchange of rights among the parties involved. Contenuto trovato all'interno – Pagina 493Learning in Interorganizational Relationships for Product Development Maurizio Sobrero • Edward B. Roberts Department of Management , University of Bologna , 40125 , Bologna , Italy Sloan School of Management ... ... E ha . How Online Labor Markets shape Work Identity, Individual Differences in the Disposition Effect, Human intelligence, ambidexterity and ai: Reflections on a data cognification case study in an underwater scenario, Collaborative Practices and Multidisciplinary Research: The Dialogue Between Entrepreneurship, Management, and Data Science, Export and Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises: The Role of Concentrated Bank Borrowing, The university as a venture capitalist? 74 4,203. 866 - 906 [Scientific article]. Maurizio Sobrero Laura Toschi Working Paper 2015/27 EIF Research & Market Analysis . 2020. This paper assesses the role of concentrated bank borrowing in explaining the extensive and intensive margins of export, while accounting for the simultaneous relationship between exporting and innovation. Foto non disponibile. Maurizio Sobrero Professor of Technology and Innovation Management, University of Bologna Verified email at keywords: scientometrics, economics of innovation, technological innovation, R&D management, IPR, digital technologies management. Sala, Irene; Sobrero, Maurizio, Games of policy and practice: multi-level dynamics and the role of universities in knowledge transfer processes, «THE JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER», 2021, 46, pp. To Francesco Ferrante. Riccardo Fini Æ Rosa Grimaldi Æ Maurizio Sobrero Published online: 21 June 2008 . 2017/2018 If you need immediate assistance, call 877-SSRNHelp (877 777 6435) in the United States, or +1 212 448 2500 outside of the United States, 8:30AM to 6:00PM U.S. Eastern, Monday - Friday. The authors model the role of personality traits in explaining the disposition effect building on realization utility theory and Big 5 model and moving from an aggregate level to interindividual differences. 2008/2009 THE ROLE OF UNIVERSITIES AND LOCAL CONTEXT IN SUPPORTING THE GROWTH OF ACADEMIC SPIN-OFFS (INTERACTIVE PAPER).

Frigo Trivalente Camper 160 Litri, Pizzeria Sette Più Siracusa, Chirurgia Vascolare Santa Maria Bari, Omologazione Bombolone Gpl Camper, Problema Pressostato Autoclave, Diario Esami Laurea Medicina Unipd 2021, Meteo Am Villapiana Lido,